Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I just woke up!" Blossompaw cried. "I didn't even get the chance to call for someone..." She didn't sound like herself. She seemed weak, terrified.

At first, he didn't understand, but then the smell came to him. Sharp, dark, strong--it overpowered the herbs easily. He slowly turned his gaze to the limp body of Russetdawn, and suddenly found it hard to breathe. His chest started pounding, his head burned, and he quickly jumped up and raced to the nest. He practically slammed into Russetdawn, struggling to put his paws on her chest.

He started pumping like Mossrain had taught him to. He was trying to get her heart going, watching her closely, looking for a movement in her whiskers, but there was only the slight jump every time he pressed down. Gasping for breath, he slowly backed up, slipping slightly on loose moss on the ground. He didn't even bother to look at it as he whipped around and raced from the den.

He skidded on the grass outside, claws digging into the ground as he forced a quick turn and hurried to the nursery. Oakcloud saw him coming. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking worried.

But Ravenpaw ignored him, flashing past and bursting into the nursery. Instantly, all eyes were on him, and the kits were awoken by the sound, crying out in shock. Rain instantly turned to Maple, and Goldenpool to her litter.

"Russetdawn, she's not breathing! I tried to get her heart moving again, but--" he didn't even get to finish. Mossrain thundered from the den, paws thrumming on the ground. Eagleclaw hurried after him, and Ravenpaw followed. The three ran into the medicine cat's den, passing the terrified Blossompaw and going straight to Russetdawn's nest.

She looked so small, so pale, despite her fur still being a bright ginger-brown. Her eyes, Ravenpaw hadn't realized, were open, staring sightlessly into the den. Quietly, somberly, Mossrain leaned forward and licked her eyelids closed, hiding her dull amber gaze from the world.

"She was so young..." Eagleclaw whispered. "She had so much life ahead of her..." Dropping her head, Eagleclaw whispered, "StarClan, I ask you to guide this cat to your hunting grounds, and take her knowing she gave everything she could to her Clan."

"Her poor kits..." Ravenpaw whispered. "What will they do without her?"


Ravenpaw turned his head slowly to see Oakcloud at the entrance, obviously worried about the trouble. He didn't know what was wrong, just that something was wrong. Then his eyes settled on Russetdawn's still frame.

"Oh, no..." he whispered, eyes filled with grief.

"Please, go get Foxpounce," Eagleclaw meowed softly. After a moment, Oakcloud nodded and retreated, still resonating sadness and shock.

"I'll... I'll get Featherpaw, and her brothers..." Ravenpaw told his mentor, and the tom just dipped his head once as Ravenpaw slipped away on quiet paws. Outside in the clearing, Oakcloud was just going into the warriors' den, and the black apprentice hurried to the apprentices' den. He slipped down the tunnel, fighting to see through the darkness. "Featherpaw! Firepaw! Flamepaw!" he called for each of them, repeating their names a few times.

Slowly, groggily, they began to wake, as did the other apprentices. "What's going on?" Willowpaw asked.

"What do you need? Is something wrong?" Featherpaw murmured.

Firepaw's eyes glowed suddenly. "Russetdawn! Is she okay?"

At that moment, a mournful yowl cut through the air, telling Ravenpaw Foxpounce had just been informed. Suddenly, the three apprentices were up, awake and scared, ready to leave the den and see what was wrong. Ravenpaw led them out, and saw Foxpounce's tail disappearing into the medicine cat's den. Oakcloud had told him in the clearing, and the handsome brown tabby still stood like a shadow by the entrance of his den. Other warriors were beginning to leave their den, curious about what was going on.

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