Chapter Six

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Jaypaw had told her to meet him here for them to get away from the annoyance of the Clan, not to meet up with Ravenpaw. Blossompaw was furious with her brother, eyes shining with anger. "Why did you bring him here?" she hissed when no one answered her previous question.

"So you can stop being so mean!" Jaypaw growled. "I hate how you two are always fighting! It's so mouse-brained! You two were so close, and I just want that again."

"It's his fault!" Blossompaw hissed, flicking her ears in Ravenpaw's direction, who lowered his head in defeat and sadness. "He's the one who betrayed us by becoming a medicine cat!"

Jaypaw curled his muzzle and moved his head back. "So what if he wants to be a medicine cat? He's helping his Clan be stronger! More than you will ever do."

Blossompaw snarled at him. "When I'm leader, I'll get rid of medicine cats! We don't need them!"

Jaypaw scoffed, throwing his head. "You'll never be leader--not with that attitude! When will you learn that every cat has a reason to be in this Clan? Just wait until you need to be healed!"

"I'll heal like any cat should!" Blossompaw growled, "naturally!"

"I brought you here to realize your mistakes!" Jaypaw growled, "not pick more fights! Why are you like this? It's not like this gives you any friends."

"I have plenty of friends!" Blossompaw sneered.

Jaypaw shook his head, and his mew went quiet. "You should've heard them at the Gathering. How embarrassed they were of you. How embarrassed I was of you."

Agonizing fear went through Blossompaw, but also hate at her brother's ignorance. "You'll regret this someday! When I'm better than all of you!"

Jaypaw's eyes suddenly went wide, and his fur began to bristle. Near him, Ravenpaw sucked in a breath and his muscles went stiff. "Blossompaw, don't move until I say. Then, run."

Angry from his antics, Blossompaw ignored her brother and whipped around, looking where her brothers were. And was absolutely terrified to see glowing golden eyes coming from the shadows. A sudden strong, disgusting scent came to Blossompaw's nose, and she was shocked she hadn't smelled it before. It let out a deep, rumbling growl, and stepped free from the bushes.

It was huge!

Its muscles rippled under a thick coat, and its long muzzle was lined with sharp, shining white teeth. The ears were large and flattened against its broad brown and black head. Blossompaw remembered stories from the nursery and elders--it was a dog. A monstrously-sized dog.

She locked eyes with it, terrified, and it moved with lightning quick speed, huge paws throwing up tufts of soil. Blossompaw ran, but her mind flashed to Ravenpaw. He didn't know how to fight--he knew nothing. He was weak and useless. She could feel the dog's breath on her tail, and she remembered her father when he pretended to attack her. She could fend for herself, and she would prove it. And she would protect her brother.

She whirled around and jumped at the dog's face. It was obviously surprised and growled as her sharp claws dug into its face. She didn't know much about fighting, but she was smart enough to latch her claws right around its eyes. It yowled and threw its head fiercely. Her back paws came unlatched and she was thrown around for a few moments, barely holding onto its face.

Then it gave another great throw of its head and she went flying. She heard a faint yowl that she recognized as Ravenpaw's, then she slammed against the back of a tree. A horrible, flaring pain went through her spine, and she fell limply onto the ground. Her eyes flickered open, and she found her gaze blurred. Everything was hard to see, but there was a large, fuzzy shape heading towards her.

I want a POV change already, so this will be my shortest chapter and will end now, but the next should be up as soon as possible (the same day as now, I believe)

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