Chapter Nineteen

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"Come on, Ravenpaw, we'll be late!" Mossrain leaped over large roots and skirted bramble bushes with a hop in his step, seemingly much happier than earlier. After Silverstrike came into the den and grumbled about most of the senior warriors arguing against a battle, Mossrain had seemed to be in a better place of mind. It was easy to see the battle had worried Mossrain, but now he was more confident it would be avoided, and had once again become his happy-go-lucky self. He would probably be babbling a storm if he didn't have a squirrel filling most of his muzzle, a gift for Sandflight.

Ravenpaw tried to adjust the grip he had on the sparrow stuffed in his jaws, for a feather had been rubbing against the top of his mouth. He followed Mossrain's pawsteps with a little hesitation, searching the darkening shadows for any eyes that might be watching them. He had become more fearful of the dark forest since Blossompaw's attack, even though it had happened during the day. Being out here without a warrior to protect him... His fur bristled at a rustling in the undergrowth, and he rushed to his mentor's side, flanks heaving.

"Easy, Ravenpaw, we're alone out here." Mossrain pressed against his side comfortingly.

Exactly, Ravenpaw wanted to point out, but he kept quiet. Instead, he continued to scan the shadowy forest, watching as the leaves slowly fluttered down to the forest floor, the trees almost empty now that leaf-bare was practically here. Mossrain believed it would start snowing anytime in the next few days. They had been stocking up herbs the best they could, but were still low on a few. Mossrain said as long as they had catmint, they would be fine. But Ravenpaw was worrying of a bad case of greencough. Ravenpaw hadn't been alive then, but apparently a bad bunch of the illness swept through the Clan and killed an elder, a warrior, and took one of Acornstar's lives. Mossrain had been a brand new apprentice, and said almost every cat in the Clan came down with it, and they were extremely lucky not to lose any more cats than the two. He didn't seem that bothered by Acornstar loosing a life, and had explained that it was only the third the she-cat had lost in her leadership. She still had six left.

Six left. She had six lives to loose, while her warriors only one. But yet she spent her time hiding in her cave? Mossrain said that's how she got it, because she never exercised or ate she was weak and an open vessel for illness to take her. She had been given this amazing chance by StarClan to protect her Clan, but instead her daughter, with only one life to lose, was to lead her Clan for countless moons as a deputy.

Acornstar should step down. Fear flooded Ravenpaw as the dishonorable thought came to him. His pawsteps faltered. StarClan, I'm so sorry! He turned his head to the dark starry sky, and eyed the half-moon staring threateningly down at him. I didn't mean it! I know I must have faith in my leader. He had to follow the medicine cat code, and the warrior code, even if he wasn't a warrior. And both demanded he stay loyal to his leader, and that he must help them and guide them with the best of his ability. And that meant sticking by Acornstar when she was sick in the head.

Now terror coursed through is veins at the thought he would visit the Moonstream and StarClan would not answer his call, all because of his momentary thought of betrayal. His legs suddenly didn't work, and he faltered to a stop, dropping the sparrow into the fallen leaves. Mossrain either heard him stop or sensed his distress, for he slowed and turned to look back. He turned around and headed back for his apprentice, dropping the squirrel next to the sparrow.

"What's wrong? We mustn't be too late or Sandflight might leave without us." Mossrain's tail flicked to show his hurry to get going, but patience also shined in his eyes.

"What's going to happen with Acornstar?" Ravenpaw murmured, looking at his small, dark paws.

Surprise waved from Mossrain for a moment, before he covered it up with a shake of his fur, his head rising. Ravenpaw slowly angled his head up to look at his mentor. He didn't look angry, just thoughtful and worried.

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