Chapter Eleven

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Ravenpaw paced restlessly in the medicine cat's den as he waited for the return of the battle patrols, anxious at the thought of his kin being injured. He feared that his brother would come back barely alive, and he cursed Brightpaw for not answering his plea of whether his parents and brothers were well.

By the sound of it, only Russetdawn was direly injured, though it was impossible to know until they returned since Brightpaw had been so quick in explaining the situation. Ravenpaw felt a quick flash of anger at his mentor for making him stay behind, but it faded fast as he remembered how much he had to do to get the den ready.

He looked over at the corner of the den, where he had put together many different nests and flat layers of moss for injured warriors and apprentices, with the water pool not far in case they needed something to drink. Nearby, all sorts of healing herbs layout, ready for use--a small pile of burnet for strength any weak cats; coltsfoot for shortness of breath in case a cat got scared; catchweed to stop poultices from being rubbed off; comfrey roots for wounds; dock to soothe scratches; a large pile of dry oak to stop infections before they came; goldenrod to heal; and marigold for injuries as well.

Mossrain had set out all the herbs and told Ravenpaw about them earlier in the day--he had barely remembered burnet, catchweed, and dry oak before Mossrain brought them out. Ravenpaw had looked through the piles many times to remind himself of their scent, feel, and look so he could be quick to help Mossrain.

He went over and looked at the large pile of cobwebs sat out, then nosed the moss balls next to the pool of water farther from the nests, not wanting them in the way, but also knowing they had to be ready for injured needing to drink or needing help cleaning their wounds.

He raised his head quickly when Blossompaw let out a weak mewl, and he hurried over to his sister, sniffing at her fur even though he didn't know how to tell if anything was wrong by scent yet--it was but a useless show of a skill he did not have. "Blossompaw?" he meowed softly.

If you think she's stirring, give her a small poppy seed, we don't want her waking while we're trying to work on sick cats, he remembered Mossrain telling him as he raced from the den with Brightpaw right in front of him.

Ravenpaw watched his sister for a few moments, but she seemed still, her breathing slow and even, so he left her alone. But he had barely stepped away before he heard commotion in the clearing. He hurried to the den entrance to see the battle patrols returning.

In the front was Shadefur and Snowfern, barely injured, carrying the limp body of Russetdawn. For a moment Ravenpaw was scared she was dead, but then he noticed the small movements of her sides. Boulderclaw followed them closely, helping Grayblaze walk by letting his brother lean on him--Grayblaze looked almost passed out, stomach soaked with dark blood.

Mossrain paced beside them, ordering, "get them both to my den, now." He let them go past, and Ravenpaw slipped out of the den for them to go past. Seeing his apprentice, the older medicine cat hurried over. "Go get Goldenpool and send her to my den. I want you out here and checking over all the cats. If the wounds can heal by themselves, have them go back to their dens and rest. If the wounds look remotely dangerous, send them into the den. Once you're done, come in and help the cats you know how to treat, and ask questions if you need to."

"Okay." Ravenpaw nodded, showing he understood.

Mossrain blinked at him then turned to the cats filing into the clearing, smelling strongly of blood. "Stay in the clearing until Ravenpaw directs you where to go." He looked back at his apprentice and added, "remember, it's better to scare away a mouse then welcome a badger--if you think a wound is bad, send them inside. We don't want infected wounds."

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