Chapter Twenty-One

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"Will all cats old enough to hunt for their Clan come to me for a Clan meeting!"

Ravenpaw watched from the entrance of the medicine cat's den as Eagleclaw stood upon the Rock Pile, fur ruffled in the wind and eyes shining strongly. She stood with power, muscles rippling. A little behind her, Mossrain sat with a straight back and surprising grace, eyes betraying nothing.

Slowly, warriors crawled from dens or corners of the clearing, and the apprentices gathered excitedly in front of their den, chatting up a storm, before settling closer to the Rock Pile. They whispered excitedly to each other while warriors sat down in silence, watching their deputy with curiosity.

Once every cat had settled, Eagleclaw revealed a bit of hesitation, breaking her powerful persona, but then she covered it back up. "Mossrain and I have decided that you, the Clan, will choose whether or not we go into battle with SageClan. In order to do this, I will have all of you get into a line and come up one at the time. If you believe that we should look for a peaceful solution, or even wait awhile before fighting, you will sit over there, in the open area between the elders' den and medicine cat's den, not far from Ravenpaw."

The apprentice shivered in his fur at the mention of his name, and he hated how all gazes followed Eagleclaw's sweeping tail over to him. 

"If you wish to fight now, in the next quarter moon, you will sit in front of the waterfall." She flicked her tail to the open area. "But, before you decide, I want you all to sit for a few moments, and think. Many of our warriors are still injured from the fight with the dogs, and will be weaker than others when they fight. Also, apprentices will join us in battle, so be warned that your kits, or the kits of your friends, will be injured. Because of this, they will also be allowed to vote."

The apprentices mewled in excitement, most likely already discussing where they stood. A part of Ravenpaw longed to over with them, but he stayed put. At least he wasn't the only one missing. Blossompaw was still sleeping in her nest, with Jaypaw watching over her. He had, surprisingly, decided to stay in the den and not join the meeting.

"But also remember that if you fight, you will be doing it for your Clan. SageClan has mocked our weakness and mocked our warriors. Fighting brings honor, as long as you use your skills with mercy and intelligence. In battle, we don't hurt those already beaten and do not use claws where they should not be used. We do not go for eyes or for the throat, but we still fight to win. When fighting, remember you are attacking cats with a family who will worry when they're injured, and mourn if they leave to StarClan. Do not fight to kill, but still also to win. Be brave, be strong, and make the right choice."

She nodded for the choosing to begin, and sat next to Mossrain.

Instantly, warriors and apprentices got into a disorganized line, crowding together. The first few warriors were Silverstrike, Boulderclaw, Stonecoat, and Shadefur. Instantly, Silverstrike trotted over to the waterfall and sat right out of reach of the spray. Boulderclaw turned to his two sons and said, "choose what you want, not what you think I want you to." Then he padded over to Ravenpaw, and settled next to his son, giving him a loving lick on the ear.

The two brothers, as always, went up together. They looked at each other and seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes. After a moment, Shadefur jerked his head and started for Silverstrike. Ravenpaw noticed sadness from his father, but it was quickly covered up. But Shadefur paused when he realized his brother wasn't following and watched him with surprise as Stonecoat lowered his head, looking sad, and pattered over to Boulderclaw. Shadefur seemed to hesitate on his original decision, but then he shook his head, and went to Silverstrike, settling on his haunches.

Grayblaze came up next and didn't even hesitate to go over to the waterfall. Frostfall took a few moments, looking at both sides, before finally settling in front of the elders' den. Thorntail went the same way as Maskdapple, with the latter touching her mate's pale nose with her own.

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