Chapter Thirteen

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At first, Ravenpaw didn't know what had woken him from his deep sleep. He was incredibly tired from helping all the cats after their battle with the dogs, and he had collapsed in his nest instantly after. He felt groggy and his vision was blurred.

As it slowly cleared and his eyes brightened, he saw a shape near the entrance of the medicine cat's den, slowly moving over to where Russetdawn and Grayblaze--the only two cats staying overnight in the den--lay sleeping off their poppy seeds. Foxpounce had almost stayed in the den, but he fluttered over Russetdawn and distracted Mossrain from working, so he was sent to his den.

For a moment Ravenpaw didn't recognize the figure, but soon he saw the black shape was actually the brown-orange coat of his leader, Acornstar, walking quietly into the den with the moonlight hiding her form.

Ravenpaw almost called out to her, but something caught his words before he could make a sound, and he stayed in his nest, head down, ears flat, tail lightly flicking, with his eyes wide open in curiosity. Acornstar walked over on gentle paws to where her three warriors lay in nests and bent her head over them.

"StarClan," the leader said softly, barely loud enough for Ravenpaw to hear, "why do this to my warriors? Are you still punishing me? I have tried to clear my mind, but I still can't go on patrols, I don't even want to leave the camp. I just don't know what to do, what you want me to do. My dear Redcloud, please guide my pawsteps."

She retreated from the den without another word, with her tail tip twitching softly. Ravenpaw thought about going after her, to try to help her, but he decided his leader wouldn't like to hear anything from a young apprentice. So he closed his eyes and forced himself to stay in his nest. After what felt like moons of just thinking and thinking, his mind took pity on him and let him slip into a dreamless sleep.

When Ravenpaw awoke again, Mossrain was already out of his nest, leaned over Russetdawn, reapplying more herbs. "Do you need any help?" Ravenpaw asked with a yawn, still half-asleep.

"You worked hard yesterday, so you can rest for a while. We'll need to clean up all the leftover nests, though."

Ravenpaw mewled his agreement and padded over to where Blossompaw lay. "When did she last wake up?"

"I'm awake now," the she-cat suddenly hissed, turning her icy light green eyes on him. 

Ravenpaw took a step back in fear. "Leave me alone," she growled, settling her head down again.

"She's not taking the news of her injury well," Mossrain explained.

"That's because I'm fine!" Blossompaw hissed, gathering her front paws under her chest. She pressed down and tried to stand, her back legs twitching, but she collapsed after a moment with a groan of pain.

"Just rest, Blossompaw," Mossrain meowed. "You'll heal eventually, but faster if you don't move."

"I don't care what you have to say!" Blossompaw growled, and Ravenpaw saw her tail struggle to limply move--she was trying to lash it to show her anger, but she was too weak to move it.

"Blossompaw, please," Ravenpaw murmured softly, and she snarled coldly at him.

Sadness darkened Ravenpaw's heart, and he turned and padded away to the empty nests that were spread over the ground. He began pawing the moss together, rolling it tightly into a ball. "Why don't you go visit Goldenpool, and see how she's doing? If you see any of the injured cats, give them a quick once-over for me and send them in if something needs changing."

"I'm fine, Mossrain," Ravenpaw mewled quietly, hating the thought of Mossrain thinking he was so weak he couldn't handle the aftermath of a battle. But his mind was still fresh with the look of the injured warriors, the blood seeping from their wounds. Most of them looked like it didn't bother them, but Russetdawn and Grayblaze had looked a moment from StarClan.

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