Chapter Twenty-Three

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The sun continued to sink down the sky as Ravenpaw and Jaypaw led Rain into their territory. Bushes trembled as they past, with the gray tabby sniffing many of the scents that passed his nose. "Reminds me of home," he muttered. "Being in a patrol, prowling a dark forest..." He dropped his head with a sigh. "It was an awful place, but I still enjoyed being apart of the Clan."

"Well, you'll be apart of a real Clan soon," Jaypaw meowed kindly.

"That's if they accept me," Rain responded, gazing at the towering trees with memories flashing in his eyes.

"I can convince Eagleclaw," Ravenpaw said with fake confidence in his voice. He had to believe he could get the deputy to allow him in. If he had to, he would tell her the prophecy. But he didn't want too much pressure on Rain, or constant questions from Clanmates. And what if the prophecy was wrong, or took too long to come true? Rain might be kicked out. No, he had to get into the Clan as a normal cat just wanting the best for his daughter.

"Eagleclaw?" Rain meowed.

"Our deputy, and Acornstar's daughter. She's kind of in control right now, while Acornstar is... you know... unavailable."

Rain nodded in understanding.

Suddenly, Jaypaw paused, ears twitching. He crouched, stalking forward slowly, then suddenly leaped for a small fern bush a head on the path. A mouse squealed and ran for cover in a small hole near the base of a tree. The apprentice slapped his paw down at the hole right as it disappeared, narrowly missing the catch.

"Mouse-dung!" he growled, lashing his tail.

"You were too impatient," Rain meowed. "You should've gone slower and more careful."

"We were already really close to it," Jaypaw answered. "I thought it'd run."

"We were down-wind," Rain answered. "So it couldn't smell us."

Sighing, Jaypaw continued on the path. Ravenpaw followed after him, with Rain bringing up the end. Familiar scents of Clanmates filled Ravenpaw's scent glands, and he saw the rocky pathway not far in front of him, hidden by undergrowth. "We're here. Camp is up those rocks," he explained to the tom behind him.

Painful sadness flared in Rain's blue gaze. "We were so close... If I had kept going, I could've saved Violet and the kits..." Once again, his head dropped, and his muscles went slack. He looked like was about to fall over, with agony waving from his body.

Ravenpaw put a soft tail on his shoulders. "We can wait a little if you want, but the Clan will likely see us soon."

Rain shook his head, and raised himself up, suddenly looking sturdy and strong. His eyes showed no emotion. "In MothClan, we must hide all emotions if we want to survive. I was always one of the best." He walked forward with a smooth step.

"Well, keep some emotion. You have to seem vulnerable, but still strong. If you look like that the Clan might attack," Jaypaw meowed, taking up the lead again.

Rain seemed to understand, and gave a little slink to his shoulder, and allowed a small glaze of sadness in his eyes. Just like Jaypaw had suggested, he had the air of a sad but still powerful cat. He was in a weak state of mind, but not someone to mess with.

"Jaypaw? Ravenpaw? Who in StarClan's name is that?" It seemed a little lucky that it was Stonecoat guarding, and not a less understanding cat like Grayblaze.

Stonecoat's leg is still slightly injured, makes sense he's resting it. Grayblaze, always a worker, was likely out in the territory, despite being injured as well. Well, hopefully he was out, and not waiting to pounce inside the camp.

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