Chapter 12

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            Emma woke with a familiar feeling. Already she could tell that she had been placed back into a tight straight jacked and had a gag placed in her mouth. As she fully woke Emma could tell she was in a crib, but not the crib in Carmen and Elizabeth's house. Emma didn't know where exactly she was but she could assume not far from her caregivers.

     As she looked around Emma could tell that she was in a large room with three rows of four cribs just like hers. Only two others were occupied, both by two boys both of whom were snoozing away far enough away that spying on them would be difficult, though Emma could tell they weren't gagged or in strait jackets like she was they were in soft looking sleepers.

     Emma sighed as she laid her head back on the bars of the crib and involuntarily wet the diaper she was wearing. If she was being honest she didn't know what her plan was for escape, it was obvious that it didn't work out though. All of that effort getting Carmen and Elizabeth to trust her and she ended up basically right back at square one.

     Though that wasn't entirely true. Emma now knew that she and Lucy weren't the only two being kept wherever they were. Though that fact didn't make her feel any better. The few others she saw seemed to enjoy the treatment almost as much as Lucy did. Not that she could blame them, she was enjoying it at the end there, no matter how much she didn't want to admit it.

     Emma was distracted from musings when the metal door to the room opened, Emma cringed as Elizabeth walked into the room. She knew she was in trouble, more trouble than she had ever been in. She was worried about how Elizabeth felt having been manipulated by Emma.

"Emma," Elizabeth said coldly as she approached Emma's crib.

     Elizabeth was wearing a white lab coat with a professional looking blouse and pants underneath. She had a pen behind her ear and a notepad in the front pocket of her lab coat.

     Emma hung her head in shame. There was genuine hurt in Elizabeth's voice and Emma couldn't help but feel terrible with herself, she never intended to hurt Elizabeth, though it was inevitable in hindsight. "The rules require that you spend at least one night in central containment before you're released," Elizabeth said officially looking at a sheet of paper from Emma's file. "You're lucky you caught me while I was working. You're going to get a medical check-up and you're going to be outfitted with a shock collar to prevent future escapes." Emma whimpered in response. "I don't want to hear it. You're lucky that's all you're getting!" Elizabeth scolded. "I had to fight to keep you out of one of the solitary cells." Emma sighed sadly. "Carmen is coming to pick you up first thing in the morning, and I'll stay here overnight with you." Emma gave a look of thanks, though Elizabeth didn't acknowledge it. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions we'll talk about it when you get back home. I hope that you'll spend this time thinking about how much you hurt me, Carmen, and your sister," Elizabeth said angrily. Emma sobbed a little, she didn't expect this to be as painful as it was. She thought she had enough distance from her captors but apparently she did not. With that Elizabeth quietly left.

     Emma sat quietly and watched as the two boys in the room with her were lead away by other workers with chest harnesses like the one Emma wore. They seemed pretty cheery all things considered and came back even happier. Emma continued people watching the two other occupants of the room for around an hour before.

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