Chapter 25

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     Carmen sat down on Roman's couch, which rested along the back wall of the living room in a corner. She patted her lap and Emma climbed in it and snuggled with Carmen.

"Liz babe can you get me a bottle for Ems," Carmen said while petting Emma's head. Elizabeth was a bit distracted trying to keep Lucy under control, as the girl was intent on pestering Becca while she ate.

"What a good idea," Elizabeth said getting a thought. "Lucy would you be a good girl and get bottles for you and your sister?"

"Baba?" Lucy questioned.

"Yes sweetie come on go get it." Emma poked her head out to watch the exchange and Lucy as she toddled to the large diaper bag that was nestled in a corner of the room on the opposite side of the couch behind the recliner that Becca was lounging in earlier. Meanwhile Elizabeth sat down on the opposite side of the couch as Carmen to allow room for Lucy when she returned. And of course Lucy came bounding back two bottles in hand. "Thank you sweetie," Elizabeth said calmingly as Lucy was a bit hyper. She hoped the bottle would calm her down a little as it was getting close to bed time. Elizabeth passed a bottle to Carmen who placed the nipple into Emma's mouth without any fight from Emma. Emma gave a heavy sigh out of her nose and began suckling at a slow but steady pace, taking time to enjoy the taste of the milk and the sensation of suckling.

"My my someone really likes their bottle today," Carmen commented sweetly. Emma opened her eyes a little and gave a happy smile not breaking her suckling rhythm. In contrast to Emma, who was very calm and still, Lucy was wiggling around in Elizabeth's lap and drinking her bottle as quickly as possible.

"Now there's no rush little one. Becca isn't going to be able to play until she's done eating anyway," Elizabeth chided. This earned an angry moan from Lucy. Elizabeth huffed in response. "You know when I agreed to take care of Lucy while we were here I thought I was getting the easy job," she said both at Lucy and at Emma.

"I know. Our normally fussy Emma is being a very good baby today," Carmen agreed. Lucy pouted again.

     Of course Lucy finished first and ran off to pester Becca, or she attempted to she was stopped in her tracks by Elizabeth.

"Hey what did I tell you?" Elizabeth scolded. "You're not going to play with Becca until she's done eating. Besides it's getting close to your bed time anyway. I think maybe you should just go straight to bed". Emma watched knowing about how well that would go over with Lucy.

"Moooooooommmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!" Lucy whined. Elizabeth didn't let Lucy go on much longer and strongly grabbed her wrist and led her another to a piece of furniture next to Becca's kennel which rested to the side of the recliner. Becca didn't understand what the piece was when she got here but seeing Elizabeth quickly strap Lucy's hands into cuffs on one end she realized that it was a spanking bench. Emma opted not to watch what followed but she could hear the smacks and Lucy's crying and counting.

"Lucy always does seem to get carried away while she plays," Carmen said gently looking at Emma as she finished suckling her bottle while Lucy continued to count.

"25," Lucy counted with a final whine. She was crying at this point and Elizabeth quickly set her free and embraced her in a hug on the floor. Elizabeth continued shushing Lucy as Emma finished her bottle.

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