Now We Wait

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Gunter and Anna had preceded Marta and Anthony from the cafe, Anna walked close to his side, her head down as she rushed to keep up with his long stride. She had begun to pant slightly when Gunter realized how quickly he had been walking. "Sorry love." He murmured as he stopped in front of a small dress shop.

"Its ok, I'm just not quite in shape." She replied, an amused smile upon her face. "Dont be angry."

"But for her to imply, even in jest..." Gunter sputtered.

Anna laughed. "Darling even if she was serious, do you think that for one minute I could?" She tried to mask her shudder of disgust with a grin. "Besides you're the only man for me."

Gunter sighed, "I'm sorry but the thought of someone touching you, the way Mengele did, it fills me with rage."

"Dont mention his name in my presence again." Anna said firmly her face hard.

Gunter took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Come on, let's go home."

"Do you think they can be trusted?" Anna asked deftly changing the subject.

"Honestly I don't know who to trust. All this time I've been on the wrong side of this war. But I feel like the Americans have the right of it. The Third Reich is a cancer. Hitler is a crazy, murderous bastard and he must be stopped." Gunter said quietly so only she could hear. "If we can be a part of toppling the Nazi party and ending the war..."

"I think so too." Anna said quietly. "I have this feeling that my mama and papa are dead, but I want to avenge them somehow."

Gunter placed a comforting hand on hers and squeezed. "I know love. If it's in my power to do so, I'll find them."

Anna shook her head. "Gunter I just, I dont think they are alive."

Gunter saw the emotion swirling on her face. "Not here Anna. We are almost home."

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