Meeting the Parents

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Anna stared at her reflection in the small bathroom, then she tentatively touched her hair.

"Its not my best work, but you look stunning as a blonde!" Marta said as she pinned a loose curl back into Anna's loose chignon.

"Marta thank you. It's lovely." Anna whispered, still not quite believing the beautiful blonde woman in the mirror was her own reflection. "I look so different."

Marta looked her over with a critical eye. "You dont look different, you just look much more German. You'll get used to the color. It suits you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Oh yes, you and Gunter will make quite the pretty picture."

Anna frowned. "We didnt before?"

Marta rolled her eyes. "This entire mission depends upon Gunter's father getting him back into Himmler and Georrings good graces not to mention Landa. He must make an impression! You must make an impression. The more German you look, the better it reflects upon Gunter. The more people will talk,not knowing that you will be listening."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of it quite like that." Anna murmured. "What is it that you do?"

Marta blue eyes turned icy. "More than you will have to do."

Anna opened her mouth to reply but the train whistle blew and she felt the pull as they began to slow.

Marta gathered her supplies and packed them away in her luggage. "You had better return to your cabin. We will be in touch." Without another word she slipped out. Anna touched up her makeup and smoothed the wrinkles from her dress. She took a final look in the mirror before she too slipped from the water closet and made her way back to their cabin.

When she stepped in Gunter turned to greet her and then froze. "What did you do to your hair?"

Anna frowned. "Marta said I should look more German. You hate it?"

"No my dove, it's just a suprise. I almost didnt recognize you." Gunter backpedaled, aware that he was in dangerous territory. "Come let's disembark, my father should have sent a driver."

"Do you think they will like me?"

"How could they not?"

"But what if they know?" Anna worried.

"Darling they will adore you, and if they don't then we shall move away and to hell with the lot of them." Gunter reassured her. His eyes honest, if a bit sad.

Heidrick and Johanna Stieglitz were waiting on the platform, both of them nervously looking about for their son. They hadn't seen him for over a year. They were both well dressed, Heidrick wore his dress military uniform. He had the same broad shouldered build as Gunter, only a hint of paunch at his waist belied his fondness for overindulgences at the dinner table. Johanna was dressed in a red dress suit with black heels and a matching black hat. She was approaching middle age, her blonde hair streaked with gray. Her blue eyes crinkled in the corners but her face was otherwise unlined. Even now she was a beautiful woman.

Johanna saw them first. "Darling!" She cried. Her face blossoming with a smile.

Gunter walked quickly through the crowd, he kept Anna's hand in his as he pushed his way through the crush. Only letting go at the last moment as he reached his mother. He enveloped her in a hug, exhuberently lifting her and spinning her about. "Mama, it's been too long." He murmured roughly.

Heidrick looked on, a fond smile upon his face before his attention turned to Anna who stood just off to the side. "Ah you must be Helena. It's such a pleasure my dear." He moved towards her and Anna was utterly shocked when she found herself in his embrace.

Anna inhaled deeply, striving for calm. He was a bit shorter than Gunter, a bit less muscled. My God they even smell the same! Gunter will be the picture of his father in thirty years! Anna thought with a smile as he released her. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Come, come!" Heidrick urged, his hand high on her back. "We need to hurry, I've invited guests for dinner!"

Gunter took her by the arm, effectively severing his father's contact with her. "Guests father?"

"Just a few old friends, the sooner we get this situation settled the better." His father said a bit sheepishly.

Johanna smiled, "I'm sure it will be a lovely time."

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