A Sight For Sore Eyes

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"What do you mean, something's not right Buck," Steve asked anxiety forming in the back of his mind for his friend.
"I..I don't know, just looks kinda familiar, like.... I don't know he's just giving me deja vu."
"Like what kind of deja vu?" Nat inquired seriously.
"I don't know, just someone I knew from back in Hydra, it's probably nothing, there were slot of people there it's probably nothing important."
Fury looked back and forth between the rambling avengers, before finally breaking there conversation. "Get out of here and find him, good lord I don't have time for this."
"Neither do I but here we are.... OH MY FUCKING GOD STEVE."
"language, and yes honey, what is it."
"Watch your language Tony and yes I remember."
"What thi-"
The two giggle inconspicuously and practically skipped out of the room in joy, cutting off a pissed Clint in the process.
Fury looking unimpressed answered," well this is my helicarrier so you tell me."
The rest of the avengers except Bucky sighed and exited the room, followed by Fury who told Bucky to hurry up.
He sat in the chair thinking and staring at the kids doe brown eyes. He dug through his memories of Hydra before gasping in realization. He had seen those eyes before, he had seen that curly brown hair before, he knew those powers.
My last mission before they found me, I was paired up with that kid being told that he was the best of the best besides me. We were going to see steal from a... a new memory resurfaced.... "welcome Winter Soldier," a voice spoke from behind me, "I would like you to meet our newest... creation, he's just like you." A kid was tugged in front of me, he had curly brown hair and wide, doe, brown eyes.
"This is project Spider."
"Project Spider," he mumbled to himself before exiting the room, "your are a sight for sore eyes."
Excitement was exploding from the two men as they drove down the street in one of Tony's favorite corvettes. (It was black like this author's soul).
They pulled into a parking spot in front of Queens' closest orphanage to the tower. The small sign in front said Maury Coullder's Orphanage for Children. The building wasn't as charming as it sounded though. The walls were covered in vegetation and weeds, and there were many cracks in the brick walls. Windows were broken and shattered glass stood outside as if they were broken recently, the place would probably be used for drug dealers if Maury hadn't gotten to it first. Tony stood outside the front door with Steve, both trying to keep an open mind front he appearance.
Muffled yells could be heard inside and a sound similar to a slap was heard. Tony looked at Steve in concern before the door opened to a woman in her mid thirties- early forties. She had messy and ratty hair that was coated in grease and wrinkles covered her skin in unflattering places.
"Hello boysss," she said flirtingly before grabbing Tony's collar," what are you here for."
Tony straightened uncomfortable with the woman's actions before stating," we are here to adopt actually."
The woman shot her hand away in realization and looked at the two in disgust before stating," boy or girl and what age, we range from 5-17."
The men looked at each other awkwardly before saying together. "Boy, around 13 or older."
She sighed in disgust before motioning for them to come inside. Maury led them up through the orphanage quickly before leading them to a room on the left. Tony and Steve look at each other excitedly before she opened the door revealing three boys all older then thirteen.
"This is Dawson, Peter, and Caleb, I'll go grab a couple other from down the hall."
Tony looked at each one in wonder of what they were like, they all looked older then thirteen, but what really caught his eye was that the one name Peter had many bruises covering his face, now that Tony thought of it, they all bore a couple.
  He looked at Steve in concern before Maury can back with three other boys who all looked between 13-14.
"This is Shiro, Lance, and Kieth(sorry I couldn't think of any names)," she said before looking at the gay couple in disgust once more. "Have fun."
She left leaving them awkwardly in the room before the boys joined conversations, trying there best to avoid the older men in the room.
The boy named Peter lay down on his bed, Dawson and Caleb talking weirdly quiet to him. Peter looked like he was going to pass out or he was sick.
Tony and Steve ignored this at first and began to talk to the other boys.
Tony liked Lance, Dawson, and Caleb a lot. Meanwhile Steve like Kieth and Shiro the most. They were about to go talk to Peter before Caleb tapped Steve's shoulder gaining the men's attention.
"Hey..ummm can you talk like.. really quietly to Peter he is really sick, and loud sounds are bugging him." He look generally worried for his friend. The couple nodded before advancing to Peter who lay on his bed, the poor kid, was sweating and was trembling alot, he had dark bags under his eyes and said eyes were clenched shut. He had his hands covering his ears so no sound came through.
Tony gasped a little at this before saying he was worried to Steve, however while he was talking, Peter writhed in pain as if any sound would hurt him.
"Hey kid, are you... alright, you don't look to hot." Tony asked him anxiously.
"No S..Shit.... Sherlock." He managed to get out before groaning a little.
Tony and Steve laughed a little before walking away.
"I think Peter is the one. And not just because I'm worried about his health." Steve said.
"Me too. We probably need to tell Maury." Tony answered unaware of Dawson who looked sadly at his departing friend.
"I can get his stuff pack, if you want... he doesn't like stranger going through his stuff."
Tony and Steve looked at Dawson in surprise, "yeah thanks kid, that's old be great, I'm sor-"
"It's fine, Pete needs this more then I do."
Steve nodded sadly before joining Tony at the door.
_____________________(sorry I really really want to read some one-shots right now😂)
Tony and Steve waited in the Corvette in disgust of Maury's reaction to her decision.
"What the hell is she doing in there." Tony wondered aloud, with a nod from Steve.
They looked up seeing the orphanages door open and a weak Peter being held up by Caleb stumbled out.
Steve went to help them out, and soon they were driving to the compound with Peter in tow. Every once in a while Peter would shift in sleep and groan. Each time earning a worried glance from the two superheros.

There you have it, I'm sorry if it's not exactly the greatest chapter I've made, I promise next week will be better, this was really a filler chapter. Anyway I was thinking that once this story reaches 25 votes I will tell you 25 things about me (of your curious ig). So please vote if you want the above to happen!!! Also comment ideas, and some critique if you have any, it would really help!
P.S. if you aren't interested in learning 25 things about me, comment some ideas on what you want me to do instead and maybe just maybe I'll do it.

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