Chapter Fourteen: Conquering An Army

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We look up. Army got a whole lot bigger.

"Guys..." I stutter. Completely ruining the moment.

"Call it, Cap." Stark says.

Rogers stands in front of us,"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment."

He points at Clint,"Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash."

Clint turns to Stark,"Wanna give me a lift?"

"Right. Better clench up, Legolas." He grabs the archer and their off.

Cap points to the Asgardian,"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up."

Thor spins his hammer, then flies towards the portal.

"You guys and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk."

Banner grunts.

Cap just points,"SMASH."

The Hulk gives a devious grin and jumps onto the nearest building, grabbing a Chitauri and throwing him. I smile, then fight.

I quickly stab on oncoming alien, then flip over it as it falls, me and my knives landing atop another solider. I rip the blades out, falling on top of the dead body.

I quickly dodge an energy beam. I find myself a corner, reattach my knives and take up a pistol. I turn back, shooting the alien in the head. More Chitauri come, only to be shot down by me.

I feel strong, scaly arms headlock me. I gasp for air and elbow the alien. It loosens it's grip as I turn around to shoot. It grabs my pistol twisting my arm. I get ready to punch with my free hand, but all I hear a Ding! as the Chitauri falls. I see Caps shield boomerang back to him. I nod in thanks and keep fighting.

"Stark," My earpiece crackles,"You got a lot of strings sticking to your tail."

"Just try and keep them off the streets." Iron Man answers over the intercom.

"Well, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner." Defiantly Clint.

"I will roger that." I now ignore the chatter as I kick a Chitauri in the chest, sending him back while I shoot it.

I reload another magazine as more aliens come. Shooting at them, I miss once. It charges at. I quickly pick up a knife from belt and stab between it's neck and chest. Blood splatters on my face as I thrust out the knife and stab it again and again.

I hear more Chitauri in front of me. I use the dead aliens body as a shield while I make it to a corner. I drop the dead thing and shoot off the remainders of the squad.

Natasha and Cap make there way over to me.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal Natasha yells, firing an energy weapon.

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." He yells back, throwing his shield.

"Well, maybe it's not about guns." I answer. I look up at the flying chairiots. Natasha gets the idea and wickedly smiles. Cap gives a worried look, but seems to agree.

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride."

"I got a ride," She answers,"I could use a lift though."

"I'll cover you," I say, picking up an energy rifle and firing at a Chirtauri that comes within fifty feet.

"Are you sure about this?" I hear Rogers ask.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun."

I turn back to see Natasha run at Cap as fast as she can. She jumps on his inclined shield, and Rogers pushes her up. Nat flies up, grabbing onto a chairiot and speeding off.

"Think she'll be alright?" Cap asks.

I roll my eyes," She's Black Widow."

I blast another Chitauri away, and throw another knife while Cap punches another.

I then run at the monster to retrieve my knife, which got stuck in it's neck. Jumping, I wrap my legs around its neck, flipping around and around as I pull my knife out. I flip the solider over, pushing it's head to the concrete. I land on my feet, while he hits the street, out cold. I then reattach it to my belt and take out pistol, shooting at an oncoming solider.

After another few minutes, I hear crackling over my earpiece.

"Sienna," Clint speaks," A squad of aliens have trapped some people in an alleyway on 52nd, two blocks from your position."

"On it," I turn to Rogers,"Cap-"

"I heard. Go!"

I take off towards 52nd. I see a alien on guard duty and shoot. He falls before he can alert the others as I peek around the corner. It's a dead ended alley, fifteen aliens boxing in forty innocents.

I pull out my two pistols and shoot five guards off the bat. The aliens turn to me forgetting the civilians. Just as planned. I take down three more as the last seven charge at me. I get one, than an two. I dodge enemy fire. I round the corner, five left. I turn towards them, ramming right into one. I shoot at it's guts. Using its body as a shield like before, I hoist it up as I move in. I shoot, missing once. I fire again, taking two down.

I shoot at one more, than drop the body. I'm twenty feet away from the last Chitauri. His weapons up, so is mine. I pull the trigger, hitting him.

But he shot as well, and I've been hit. I marvel at my own blood as I fall.

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