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Hey bear cubs, I wrote this story with my friend in 2018 and a I have not edited it since 2018. It's bad, it's cliche, it's not what I'm into. I hate it but, a lot of people love it so I won't take it down. I will be re writing all these terrible stories soon. I PROMISE. xoxo💕


A: It's unlikely

My best friend, Millie smiled at me.

M: Anna. I have heard he is incredibly hot and has a thing for brunettes.

She turned on her phone and showed my her home screen, a photo of me.

M: You're a snack! Mr Seavey would totally have eyes for you!

A: Shut up! I am not gonna be some TEACHERS PET! I'm not going to spend my year chasing a teacher no matter how hot.

M: Then I will

A: Of course

M: He did say he liked brunettes though.

We laughed.

A: He won't like me.

M: Fine but, you're still snacky

I rolled my eyes as the bell rang.

A: I am off to Mr Seaveys, Music. See ya Mill

M: Ok bye An. Good luck....

She winked and I giggled. I was now on my way to the new teachers class. As I walked in I saw him....talking to a student, Mr Seavey

God Dammit. He was beyond hot.

My palms got sweaty as he walked over to me.

D: Hello Miss....?

A: Anna...Anna Fredrick

D: Anna. My sisters name is Anna.

He smiled.

D: Well Fredrick your seat is in the front row. Lucky you.

A: Lucky Me.

He giggled with me as I took my seat. I watched as the other kids enter and yet, Mr Seavey was staring at me the whole time he didn't make an introduction as he had with me....

I wasn't going to lie. I got a bit wet when I noticed Mr Seavey bit his lip while looking at me. I closed my legs, squeezing them shut to break the friction.

As I continued writing down the homework that was on the board and saw Mr Seavey sit back down and smirk as I continued squeezing my legs.

At the end of class I was one of the last ones to leave. As I left Mr Seavey smirked at me.

D: See you tomorrow Miss Anna. Don't forget your homework.

A: I won't—-

D: If you do you'll have to make it up in other ways.

He smirked and I got very wet. The thoughts that ran in my head were for sure not school appropriate.

I nodded while blushing and ran out. I heard him slightly chuckle as I ran into the girls bathroom to "relieve" myself.

As I walked out a strong hand grabbed me. I turned around and saw Millie.

M: I heard moaning-

I saw Mr Seavey talking to a teacher but, staring at me. Clearly able to hear.

A: I-Sh-No. I don't want to talk about it. Let's go.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first episode of this 30 part series! Don't worry if the story you chose didn't win you can vote for it again at the end of this one. Warning this story will be pretty full of smut so enjoy!😉❤️
Lots of love! See ya in the next one. ❤️

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