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D: Baby come here

I ran in and he grabbed me as I almost knocked him over.

A: Oops

D: Hahah here my love
I had Millie buy you an outfit for later....

A: Daniel, that's so sweet but um..what is tonight.....

D: A

A: Really dani?!

D: Yes my love


I had never done the "date" thing but she made me feel different. Somehow. I wanted more than her body...


I put the outfit on and then did my make up and hair. I walked out and Daniels eyes widened.

D: My love....

He smiled and walked over to me. Lust filling his eyes.

D: Your gorgeous

I looked at his tux. It was dashing on him.

A: You don't look to bad yourself Seavey

I winked and he smirked.

D: Thats Mr to you

I squeezed his dick.

A: Not after hours

He smirked widely

D: I might as well take you here.

A: I have a strong price Daniel. I let you get it free twice as if I'll give it a third...

D: Your playing a dangerous game princess

A: I live for danger daddy

I could tell her was hard. I would be lying if I said I wasn't wet. But no time for that. Daniel coughed.

D: Date first love

A: Genius idea

He smiled and guided me doesn't the steps and to his car.

A: Oh?

D: What?!

A: I expected a more fangerous car from you Seavey.

D: Oh this—it's yours honey...

I stared at it wide eyed and laughed with him. He then took me to his convertible.

D: Is this better?

A: I don't care what the car looks like

I laughed

A: I was trying to make you mad enough to punish me here and now.

D: Nice try baby....but I come with a price as well.

I giggled and we sat in the car. We drove an hour or so to a fancy restaurant and sat down.

A: Daniel you didn't have to go insane. I would have been fine with pjs, McDonald's and an at home movie.

D: Oh I know baby your easy to please. But my girl deserves more than that. And I am determined to treat you like a princess

I blushed and chocked on my water as he said those two words "my girl" he hadn't asked me out but I was his....I liked that.

We ordered food and just talked a bit. When all was done we danced and then headed home. The whole car ride Daniel had his hand rubbing my thigh so I knew what was coming.

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