You're.. Happy.

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A/N: ah, so many plot twists to choose from! it's too hard to decide. hmm. i'll pick later. but here we gooooo!

Elphaba's POV

I notice that out of the corner of my eye, Fiyero is staring at me from across the room. I try and ignore him, but this class is boring to even me, so I glance at him.

His eyes widen and he looks away, as if caught. I shake my head, even though he's not looking.

After a while, he doesn't look my way at all, so I give up and fix my eyes on the chalkboard up front.

Only a few seconds later does he start staring at me again. I hold in a laugh.

I slowly turn my head to face him, grinning. He grins back.

The bell rings.

I get up and walk over to him, through the sea of students.

Everyone is in a rush, because this was the last class of the day. And the start of our four day weekend.

"Hello, Fiyero." I say as he picks up his satchel.

"Hey, Elphaba." We exit the classroom, and he offers to walk me to my dormitory.

"Won't you get caught by Morrible, or something?"

"Have faith, Elphaba! I never get caught." He smiles evilly and I laugh.

I notice that the ground is still wet from last night, but the sky has started to clear up. We walk for a few minutes before he asks about the "thing" again.

"...What exactly is this thing, Yero?"

"It's a letter."

A letter...?

A letter!

"With a green envelope?"

"Yes! You read it?"

"No, I.." I saw Galinda set it down on her desk without saying what it was. It's not there anymore, though.

Why is she hiding this letter from me?

"Oh. Why not?"

"Galinda has it."

"Galinda? But I gave it to her so she could deliver it to you."

"She's been hiding it for some reason. She doesn't want me to see it."

"Hmmph." He crosses his arms. "I wonder why."

"Well, what did you write in the letter?"

He opens his mouth to speak, but soon closes it. We continue walking in silence. There's almost nobody around. And we're almost there.

"You're not going to bother telling me the contents of your letter?"

"You have to read it to find out." He says mysteriously, grinning. I shake my head.

We reach the dormitory, and face each other to say goodbye.

"Find the letter and read it, will you?"

"Of course."

"Alright, then.. have a nice weekend." He says awkwardly.

"Yes, you t-" He cuts me off by gently placing his lips on mine. When he pulls away, the grin is still on his face. I feel my cheeks get hot and he walks away with a spring in his step.

At first, I can't move; I can't believe he kissed me. My heart is racing, and I have no words to say.

Eventually, I snap myself out of shock, and continue on to the dormitory. And I finally find words to say.

"What a sneaky little bastard," I chuckle, going inside.

Galinda's POV

I actually got back first. Odd. Should I reward myself or something? No, maybe not. After all, it's not that great of an accomplishment.

Or is it?

I hear the floorboards creak in the hallway, and I know it's Elphaba.

She has a smile on her face as she enters, not even bothering to acknowledge my presence. It looked like she was too busy being all.. Happy.

Why is she smiling, anyway?

I wait for her to sit on her bed and pull out a book before I clear my throat loudly.

She looks up at me, as if snapping out of a trance.

"What is it?"

"You're ignoring me, that's what."

"You weren't speaking. Or asking for my attention."

"Yes, but-"

"I think you were ignoring me."

"I was not!"

She laughs, her attention going back to her book. "Alright, then, you weren't. Don't get so upset; I'm only kidding."

I stick out my bottom lip in frustration. But it seems that Elphaba is quite the opposite. So happy and smiley and playful. I narrow my eyes at her.

"What now?" She doesn't look up.

"You.. You're so.. Happy."

She raises her eyebrows in amusement. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, it's just.. Why?"

She sighs happily, looking up at me. "Keep a secret?"

I nod eagerly. "Of course, Elphie!"

She hesitates, taking a deep breath.

"Fiyero kissed me." She finally says, her small smile growing into a grin from ear to ear.

I feel my heart sink into my stomach.

"And you.. You have feelings for him?"

"I think so."

"Does he have feelings for you?" The questions are being asked blankly. I'm asking them almost subconsciously. My mind is in another world.

"Well, I wouldn't know. Maybe the letter would tell me." I tense up as she raises an eyebrow. "You're busted, Galinda. Fetch it, will you?"

I go over to the wooden box by the window. As I open it I notice that the storm is finally gone.

My heart pounds when my hands touch the green stationary. I hand it to her, doing my best not to shake with anxiety.

She reads it quickly after tearing open the envelope.

"How sweet," her cheeks grow a darker shade of green and she smiles, placing the letter on her desk.

Her attention goes back to her book, which doesn't surprise me. But get this- she was humming.

Elphaba was humming, as if she had learned she was receiving eternal life, or all her birthday wishes finally came true, or maybe even.. found true love.

She looks up at me for a quick second, smiling. I smile back weakly, trying my best to show that I'm happy.

When really, on the inside,

I'm falling apart.


A/N: aw, Galinda :(

alright so I'm gonna be in Mexico for a week. Not sure if my parents will let me use my phone, so if you don't hear from me, please remember that I'm in Mexico. But I'll be back next Friday :)

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