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5 Years ago-


"Appa where are you going?" I hear a voice question. It was dark and raining outside. I check my watch: 10pm.

He shouldn't have to be going out around this time what's going on. I rush to the living room to see what's happening. "Yah, where are you going? Your son just asked you a question." I said picking up my two year old son, Yoongi. "I'm going out," He paused turning around. "For a long, long time." Putting on his coat. One arm. And the next.

Yoongi rubbed his eyes. "Okay bye, appa." I felt tears brimming my eyes. Yoongi was too young and too tired to know what he meant. My one year old, Hoseok, and my new born, Jimin, were already fast asleep. They wouldn't even get to say good bye to their, father.

"Where are you going? What did I do wrong?" I grab onto his wrist stopping him from leaving. He stares at me with a blank face. But the venom in his eyes was prominent. Slowly. He looked me up and down, making sure to glare at every inch of me. "I am leaving because I want to. We aren't even married so it shouldn't matter."

With that,

He was gone.

I flinched when he slammed the door.

"Eomma," Yoongi called. "Don't cry. Appa will be back." With that I broke. Clutching onto Yoongi as if he'll leave me too. "I'm sorry." were the only words I could think of.


3 years ago~

Namjoon's POV

"Honey, hang in there." Gripping his wifey hand tightly on the delivery table. She passed out a while ago so, the doctor called for an emergency c-section.

"Sir you can't follow us any further. We will try and save both lives but you have to trust us." Weakly, he let go of her hand and his vision blurred as they hurried her to the surgery room.

He collapsed into one of the chairs in the waiting room. Head in his hands.

He never imagined this would happen when he found out she was pregnant. She's been through two other childbirths before. He did not expect anything like this to happen.

Over two hours had passed and Namjoon had heard nothing from the doctors. He went online to see how long a c-section would take and it had only needed to be about one hour.

Another hour later, a doctor had came up to him. "Mr.Kim?" She said. Namjoon looked upwards at the doctor. She gave him a sad smile. " I'm sorry to have to tell you this but, your wife has passed during child birth." Namjoon didn't need to hear anymore before he began to cry. Hysterically, too. He didn't want to hear any sympathetic words. He wanted his wife back. The love of his life. The mother of his children.

His children...

How would he explain this to two children both under the age of ten. How would he explain that their mother will never hug them again. Or sing them to sleep.

He couldn't..

Not yet.

"Sir, I'm very sorry for your loss but I do need to inform you that we were able to save the life of your son." He completely forgot about that part. The whole reason he was at the hospital was because the his wife was ready to give birth. "Come with me to see him." The doctor spoke once again.

She lead him to the nursery where all the babies are kept. "There he is." She pointed him out through the glass. Immediately, Namjoon noticed his bunny like features almost identical to his mother's. Once again, Namjoon broke. How was he going to explain this to his mother-in-law. The only parental figure he's every known. All he knew was that he was going to take care of his children.

For her.

"What would you like to name him?"

"Jeongguk.Kim Jeongguk." She loved that name.

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