Ice Cream

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Once they reached the ice cream parlor Y/N sat all the boys at a table and put Seokjin and Yoongi in charge.

She walked up to the counter ready to order, already knowing what the boys would want. A really tall man that had to be in early 20's was standing behind the counter. "Hey! Welcome to Seventeen's Ice Cream. What could I get a lovely lady like yourself." He greeted.

Y/N stared at the man for a second before breaking into laughter. He pouted. "I'm sorry it's just that was adorable." She said. He smirked.

"Adorable? Oh please, we're like the same age." He replied. Y/N smiled.

"Oh really? How old do you think I am?"


"Close, but no." He scratched his chin in thought.

"Higher or lower?"


"Hmm. 25?" She shook her head.


She smiled. "Yup. Congrats." He bowed teasingly. They both broke into laughter. "We're not to far apart. I'm 23."

"Ok Mr.23. Shouldn't you be taking my order?" He gave a mocking smile and scrunched his nose. "What would you like?" Y/N giggled and began to order. A few more jokes were shared while she ordered until she felt a small tug at her arm. She looked down to see a tiny Jimin looking up at her with watery eyes. Immediately, Motherly Mode took over and she picked him up. "What happened baby? Are you tired?" She asked in a baby voice. He nodded his head. "Okay. You want to stay with mommy?" He nodded his head again then placed it on her shoulder.

"Mommy?" Mr.23 asked with his head tilted cutely to the side. "Yup. This is one of my sons." He nodded in understanding. "I just thought you were babysitting." He said with a small smile. She shook her head with a smile on her face. "So are all of them yours?" He asked gesturing to the other 5 boys sitting in a booth.

"No, only 2 of them are mine. But, I love them all like they are mine." He nodded and continued to prepare her order. "I don't see a ring." He said. Y/N tilted her heard in confusion. "On your finger." He continued. "Oh! Yeah! I'm not married. Never was." He nodded again.

"Well, here's your order." He handed her a bag containing 9 tiny compartment each containing ice cream. "I don't want to keep you for too long. The little one over there seems really tired." He said gesturing to Jeongguk.

"It was nice meeting you Mr.23."

"It Mingyu. Kim Mingyu." He said with a wink.

"Y/N. Son Y/N." she said with a small smile. She gathered up the boys putting Jeongguk back in his baby pouch. (If your wondering why their treating a 3 year old like a fetus... Don't) And they left the Ice Cream shop. Y/N took a look at her receipt. She realized the tiny note at the bottom of it.

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