First Sight

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Namjoon's POV

The "family" of eight arrived at the cafe and rushed to a booth. "Okay boys, look at the menu and see what you want." Y/N said with a smile on her face. It was clear to everyone she loved all these boys.

Namjoon looked and around the table and saw Jimin looking anywhere but the menu. When Jimin looked at Namjoon he seemed very uncomfortable. "Jiminie, do you want to sit next to me?"

The 5 year old nodded meekly. "Boys scoot forward so Jiminie can come here." The kids complied and Jimin crawled along the booth to sit next to Namjoon.

A waitress came to the table looking slightly nerved that there was so many people at the table. It didn't help that majority of the people there were children. "H-How may I help you." Y/N smiled at her. "Don't be nervous, hun."

The waitress took a deep breathe and smiled. "Thank you. I'm sorry. I'm new to working here." Y/N smiled once again. Namjoon knew he was in deep. They proceeded to order, the pair making sure everyone was accounted for. The waiter smiled kindly and went to give the order to the kitchen staff.

"I'm so sorry I'm late N/N. The traffic was terrible." Namjoon looked up to see a beautiful woman. She had short black hair and bangs that fell right before her eyes. she was significantly taller than Y/N but had the same build and image as her.

"S/N, don't worry we just got here." Y/N said smiling her sister. She scooted over making room for the taller girl. "Namjoon, this is my sister. S/N, Namjoon." S/N stretched out her hand towards Namjoon.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you." She smiled brightly at him. He took her hand in his and smiled back. "Nice to meet you, too." The two drew their hands back but continued to stare into each other's eyes.

Until a loud sneeze broke the their gaze. Y/N giggled. "Bless you, Taehyungie." He smiled and replied. "Thank you, mommy." 

S/N's eyes grew wide. "Y/N, you didn't tell me Namjoon and you were a thing." Namjoon choked on his orange juice. This caused a fit of laughter at the table. Even little Jimin was smiling. "Oh, no, we're not dating." S/N nodded with a small smile on her face. "I see."


Just maybe,

He wasn't in as deep as he thought.

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