Parking Problems

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Y/N's POV*

"Yoongi! Hoseok! Jimin! Are you guys ready?" She shouted for the third time this morning. Although she was at fault she woke her five year old later than she should've. She heard light foot steps coming down the stairs. "Coming mommy!" Three tiny voice replied.

Every morning was a routine for Y/N. She got up early, made two lunches, woke up Yoongi and Hoseok, and drove them school, dropped a sleeping Jimin off at daycare, then finally, she headed to work. But today's schedule was different. Today was Jiminie's first day of school.

"Yoongi, help Hoseok with his backpack please." Y/N spoke the stress already getting to her. "Jiminie baby, tie your shoes." Jimin stared at his laces for a while then looked up at Y/N. He fidgeted with his finger and spoke shyly. "Mommy... I forgot how." Y/N chuckled and ruffled his hair. "It's okay, baby. I'll do it."

"Okay, everyone in the car!" Y/N said enthusiastically. This was going to be one heck of a day.

Namjoon's POV

"Seokjin, is Jeongguk still napping?" Namjoon spoke quietly, in hopes of not waking the sleeping three year old. "Yes papa. Taetae is almost ready for school, too." Seokjin said energetically. "Good job. Can you go help him finish getting ready?" Seokjin nodded and ran in the direction of his bedroom.

Namjoon went to the kitchen and packed two lunches and put one in a soft pink backpack, and the other in a dark green backpack. He placed both bags by the front door of his home and shouted. "Boys, are you ready? He went to the living room and picked up how youngest son, Jeongguk.

Soon, a multitude of giggles and fast paced foot steps made their way towards Namjoon. "Taehyungie, are you ready for your first day of school." Taehyung was his quietest but weirdest child, so he smirked and nodded his head slowly. "Okay," Namjoon laughed, nervously eyeing Taehyung, " Okay everyone to the car."

Y/N's POV*

She pulled out of her driveway and headed to the school. Yoongi seven years old and starting second grade so she wasn't worried about him. Hoseok was six and starting first grade so she wasn't really worried about him either. It was Jimin she was worried about. Jimin was still four, sensitive, and extremely small. She worried about how the other kids would treat him.

She pulled into the school parking lot and sighed seeing it was extremely packed. "Of course, it's packed." She complained out loud. After a while of driving around the packed lot she finally saw an empty space. As she was about to pull in, another car came from out of no where and took the parking space. Almost causing an accident.

Y/N checked through the rear view mirror to make sure everyone was okay. Jiminie and Hoseok were crying, while Yoongi sat in fear. "Are you boys, okay?" She asked worriedly. She quickly hopped out of the front seat and ran to the back seat to check on her kids. All of which her fine and just scared.

Y/N was furious. She stomped her way to the car as the owner was getting and cleared her throat loudly. The owner straightened up and looked at her. More like towered over her. He had to be atleast  six feet. But her five feet person wasn't the least bit intimidated. She spoke strongly.

"Is there a reason you were driving so recklessly, especially in a school parking lot." She crossed her arms. He sort of smirked which shocked Y/N, but she didn't falter. "What are you like a hall monitor? Listen kid, I don't have time for this so run along." And like that he had attempted to dismiss her. She was furious at that point. "Actually, I am a mother of three. The three are sitting in that car that you just cut off. The car you damn near got into an accident with. So, I'll ask you again. What was the point of driving so recklessly in a school parking lot." He stared at her if he was observing her. He sighed. "I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't know there were still kids in the car, and actually I thought you were leaving. If I had known I would've never done that. Are any of them hurt?"

Namjoon's POV*

He looked down at the petite woman who soften at the mention of her kids. "No, they are fine," she sighed. "Just scared."

"Is there anyway I can make it up to you?" Namjoon had genuinely felt bad about the incident. He knew if it were his sons in the car, he wouldn't hesitate to pummel the person who put them at risk. "Here," He said pulling out his phone. "Put in your contact info and maybe a play date for the kids while we sit and talk?" She seemed to think about it for a minute then nodded. She put in her information and then handed Namjoon's phone back to him. "I have to get back to my kids. Orientation is starting soon." He nodded and waved her goodbye. He watched her get into her car and drive away then looked down at his phone.

Son Y/N

He smiled.

A/N: thanks for reading I'm sorry for the constant change of POV it's for the story so please bare with me. Also, my grammar is terrible so sorry for that, too.

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