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"Wait a sec",Jeno told Jaemin then he walked out from his room quickly to open the door.

When he opened the door,he saw Kun was standing there smiling and greet at him.

Jeno invited him to come in then they sat at the living room.

"I come here cause i want to invite Jane for a drink.I mean me and Lara",Kun explained.

Jeno nodded then he walked to Jane's room and knocked the door.

"Noona,Kun hyung is here".

"Coming",Jane replied.

After that,Jeno told Kun to wait for his sister then he walked to his room afraid that Jaemin waited for him for too long.

"Who is it?",Jaemin asked.

Jeno sat beside him continue his work while answering,

"it was Kun hyung,my noona's friend.They wanted to go for a drink together".

In the midst of time,Jaemin felt something weird.Jealousy engulfed him while thought rambling in his mind thinking of something to do.

"Jeno,i think you have to be careful cause..",Jeno looked at Jaemin waiting for his explanation.

"urmm..yeah..your sister is alone and its already night.Its very dangerous for a women to be alone outside especially at night", Jaemin explained hoping that Jeno will not let his sister go for a drink with Kun.

Jeno sat still thinking about Jaemin's opinion,he find it true especially Jane's safety is his priority.

He quickly went out to from his room followed by Jaemin then he saw Jane was talking to Kun,they already on their way to go for a drink.

"Noona!", Jeno called Jane.Jane looked at her brother,she looked at Jaemin who was standing beside Jeno then looked back at Jeno.

"Noona,we have exam tomorrow and we really need you to teach us cause we dont understand much on certain topics",Jeno tried to give an excuse to stop his sister from going.

Jane looked at Kun then Kun just nodded,"never mind,you can join us next time".

Jane apologized to Kun cause she really care about her brother more than anything eventhough for her own happiness or time.Kun waved them goodbye then walked out from the house.

Jane and Jeno walked to his room while Jaemin excused himself,saying that he have to settle some problems. Jaemin quickly ran out then followed Kun.He saw Kun was standing infront of a stall with Lara.

"Jane not coming?",Lara asked.

Kun shooked his head replying in denial.

Lara patted his shoulders,"dont worry bro.We can try new tips on how to flirt and make her your girl"Lara convinced Kun.

Kun just smiled at Lara then both of them walked together away from there.

Jaemin heard everything especially the 'make her your girl'.

He felt very mad and jealous cause right now he know he already have someone to compete especially to get Jane's love.

He realized that he felt in love at Jane since the first time they met cause for him,Jane is kinda cute especially when he teased and annoyed Jane.

He promised himself he will do something to get Jane and get rid of Kun.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now