24. The Stormtrooper and the Pilot

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After the ultrasound Rey hurried back her and Rose's room. She was strangely feeling very excited to share the news, she wasn't only having one child but two. Twins. A wide smile was spread across her face as she entered the palace passing rebel guards who were standing at the entrance. Breaking into a run, Rey charged down the hall and up the large staircase towards her room. She had never felt so ecstatic. Finally she reached her room, opening the door she entered the room to find it. Immediately she noticed a piece of paper lying on the bed. She walked over and read it,

We are fixing Poe's X-Wing in the hanger bay.


Rey pocketed the note and left the room, walking quickly towards the hanger bay. Rushing down corridors and flights of stairs she eventually reached the hanger bay. It still contained a few starships but mostly had resistance ships like X-Wings.

"There you are!" Said Rose stepping out from under the X-Wing. Rey rushed towards them, a large smile spread across her face. Poe hopped down from the cockpit, "You're in a good mood." He said wiping his hands on an old rag.

Rey nodded. "Did you find out the gender?" Asked Finn.

"Yes, it's a boy." Rey said with a large smile. "Wow Rey that's wonderful." Said Rose.

Rey laughed, "I'm not finished yet."

Poe raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"I'm having a girl as well." Rey said smiling.

Their jaws dropped and Finn stepped over to her, "Twins?" Tears were running down Rey's cheeks and she nodded, "Yeah."

Finn smiled and hugged her, "I will be here with you every step of the way." Rey pulled away and smiled at him, "Thank you."

Poe and Rose walked over to them, "Twins, wow that's going to be hard." Said Poe.

For the first time in the past half hour, Rey's face fell. Raising one child would be hard enough, but two? Suddenly she found her self back on Jakku, curled up in a ball desperate to keep warm. Her stomach grumbling due to the lack of food, throat dry from the lack of water. The sound of the sandstorm crashing against the AT-AT filled her ears.


She was brought back into reality immediately. Looking around she realised she was on the cold floor of the hanger bay with her friends hovering over her. Her breathing was heavy and her heart was pounding against her chest as she sat up, "What happened?" Rey asked as Poe helped her to stand.

"You just fell, I shouted your name and suddenly you woke up." Said Finn. Rey brushed the dust from her top.

"I think I just panicked and collapsed." Said Rey sitting down on a crate, "I'm worried about them, I'm worried that I won't be able to protect them." She said touching her stomach.

"You have the whole of the resistance behind you." Said Rose taking hold of her hand, something about it re assured her.

"And we will make sure they are safe." Said Poe with a smile.

Rey nodded, "Thanks guys it means a lot." She let out a yawn, "Sorry I'm really tired, it's been a long day."

"Come one let's head upstairs." Said Rose as Rey stood, "Night Guys." Rey said as they left the hanger-bay.

"Night." The boys said in unison.

Poe turned back to the X-Wing and pulled down a hatch before beginning to mess with some wires. "Hey Finn can you pass me the kyro-spanner?" Asked Poe.

"Uh sure." Said Finn moving over to the toolbox. A kyro-spanner. Probably looks like a spanner. He picked up a spanner shaped tool and held it up, "This?"

Poe shook is head, "No it's that one." He said pointing towards an area of the toolbox.

"This?" Said Finn holding up another tool.

"No the one I'm pointing to."


"No!" Said Poe with a laugh. He walked over to Finn, and kneeled down next to him by the toolbox. He picked out a small spanner shaped object.

Looking back at Finn he realised how close they were, "This." He said quietly. Finn cleared his throat and stood, his cheeks a bright shade of red. Poe took a few seconds before standing up again. Instead of turning back to the ship he remained still, looking at Finn in the eyes.

"Poe there is something I need you to know." Finn said awkwardly.

Poe nodded, "Fire away."

Finn let out a shaky breath, "Well I have known for a while now that I'm not who I thought I was."

Poe stepped forward, "Finn if this is about being a stormtrooper don't worry about it, it's fine. You are one of us."

Finn shook his head, "No it's not that." He sighed and closed his eyes before opening them again. Was he ready? To tell Poe? Would it ruin their friendship? "I'm gay." He whispered.

Poe nodded, "Cool so am I, I'm proud of you Finn." He said hugging him. They pulled away but remained close, their faces inches apart, "And I think I'm falling in love with you." Finn added. Poe looked into his eyes and smiled, "I knew you were the one from the moment I met you." Finn continued. "I'm sorry if you don't feel the same, it's just I needed you to know but I was scared beca-" He was cut of by Poe pressing his lips against his. At first he was shocked, did this meant he felt the same? Pushing aside all the thoughts clouding his mind, Finn closed his eyes and kissed him back. They pulled away and smiled at each other, "I love you." Said Finn.

Poe nodded, "I know."

On the other side of the silent hanger, Leia stood watching. She smiled before turning and walking away. Placing her finger on her wedding ring she smiled, "I love you." She whispered. And quietly, it was barely a whisper she heard his reply floating through the force, I know.

I think we can all accept that updates will be irregular as hell. In the next chapter their will be an 7 month time skip. I want to move this story on, and by skipping most of Rey's pregnancy I can do that. There are only about 10 chapters left in this story, but I can confirm that their will definetly be a sequel!

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