Chapter 1

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*Ivy's P.O.V*


I thought for a while. 


Suddenly i stood up qucikly and looked at my calender. 

It was now one month and i hadn't got my period yet. 

"Oh god no!!", i said while covering my mouth with my hand.

"This can't be happening", i mumbled. 

"NO!!!", i shouted as i slid down the wall and tears rolled down my cheeks. 

What have i done!? 


A new day has passed. I've no idea what to do, should i tell my parents? I don't even know if i am really pregnant.. I haven't taken any test yet. 

I sighed as i lay in bed looking at my ceiling. 

My alarm clock buzzed. 

Time to get up for school. Great!

Eventhough i haven't slept the whole night. 

I reached over to it an switched it off. 

I sat up and looked around my room, i ran a hand through my hair. 

Slowly i got out of bed. I walked up to my mirror and looked at my reflection. I turned sideways and lifted up my t-shirt. I placed my hands on my stomach and looked down at it. 

Can this really be happening!? 

I shook my head, trying not to think about this for a while. I took out my clothes from my wardrobe. A pair of black skinny jeans and a white tank top. 

I got dressed and grabbed my school bag, walking out of my room. 

I walked into the bathroom and done my hair and make up. 

I left my hair down and curly, like it is naturally. I wasn't really bothered with my make up, just some foundation, mascara and lip gloss. I looked at my self one last time before walking out of the bathroom, and heading down stairs. 

I made my way into the kitchen, where my parents were already sitting at the table and having their breakfast. 

"Good morning honey", said my mom, as she took a sip of her coffee. 

"Morning", i said faking a smile. 

"Are you alright? You look really pale, here eat something", she said while she handed me a plate with toast. 

I shook my head. "I'm not hungy mom."

My dad peered his head from the newspaper. "Ivy don't go on any hunger strikes now, i know you young girls want to look nice and have a figure, but breakfast is important. And your mother is right you do look pale."

My mom gave me a look saying ' i told you so ' 

She walked up to me and placed her hands on my forehead. "Hmm, you don't seem to have a temperature, but you're really pale.. Maybe it's best if you stay at home today. I'll ring the school and tell them", she said reaching for the phone. 

"No!", i said quite loudly. 

She looked at me wide eyed.

"I mean.. I'm fine mom, if anything happens i'll call you, but i'm fine", i said as i swung my bag over my shoulder. 

"Are you sure you want to go?", she said while rasing an eye brow. 

"Yes", i sighed.

"Alright, alright. Well have a nice day", she said as she kissed my cheek. 

"Bye", i said as i walked out of the kitchen. 

I took my black leather jacket that was on the stairs and walked out of the house. 

I really don't get why my mom is making such a big deal out of it? So what i look a bit pale.. Does it matter? 

I sighed as i put my earphones into my ears and played some music on my phone. I made my way to school. It's not that far from my house, only a fifteen minute walk. 

As i got to the school gates the car park was already full with everyone's cars. 

"Yo! Ivy!", said some dude that i've never seen before. 

I continued to walk quite quickly, not saying a word. 

I walked into the school, hallways already full with people. 

Just one more week and i'll be finally out of here! Yes!

I turned the corner and walked up to my locker, i opened it and took off my coat leaving it inside. I got the books i needed and headed to look for Klara. 

Sure enough i found her, not far away from me. She was making out with some random guy. Why doesn't this surprise me at all? 

I made my way over to them. 

"Uhm.. Hey", i said awkwadly. 

They pulled away from each other and looked at me. 

"Hey", she said while chewing gum. 

"I need to talk to you..", i said, looking at her quite seriously. 

"Okay.. What happened?", she asked. 

I slightly tilted my head to the guy. 

"Oh right", she said as she pushed him away and he walked off. 

I chuckled slightly. 

"Well what's up?", she said. 

"I don't really know how to say this..", i said playing with my hands awkwardly. 

Just then the bell rang. Indicating everyone to go to their classes. 

"You know what? Come to my house after school, then tell me okay?", said Klara looking at me. 

I nodded my head and made my way to my frist class which was Math. 

Great..  I mean i like maths but first class really!? It just doesn't go. 

I walked up the stairs and walked into the class room, sitting in my normal seat.  

It's a bit weird not having Calum sitting beside me, but i'm getting used to it, besides i'll be in college soon. 

Ms. Roberts walked into the class. 

"Good morning everyone!", she said smiling brightly. 

"Morning", mumbled the class. 

If You Don't Know, Let Me Go. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now