Chapter 17

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

Months have passed since my Birthday and everything else had happened. And a looot of things changed. First thing. Ashton has stopped contacting me, he doesn't call or text anymore, just like he doesn't even care. I have tried several of times to call or text him but i never got any reply back. I don't know what has happened or what is going on with him, but i decided to let go and move on. If it was meant to be he'll come back and if not then i guess all of it was just a waste of my time.

During Christmas i stayed at my parents house. At that time my dad was getting used to the fact that i'm pregant. He got really mad when my mom and I told him about everything. He even had to go away for a few days to take in the information. I guess he was just afraid that i'm not his little girl anymore. I'm afraid too, not that i'm not little anymore, but the fact that i am soon to be a mother. Of course my mom says that she will help me, and i really don't want to put them through all my mistakes that i have done.

Sometimes i just wish to have my old life back, free from all of the problems. But then again i don't. It's our mistakes that make us, people, realise who we truly and really are. I know what i want to do in life. I always did, ever since i was little, i knew who i wanted to be. In this case it doesn't bother me. I will continue to do what i want to do and what i've always wanted to do. Life just wants to bring us down at times, but we have to show our strong side and not let all the problems take over.

Do i regret anything that had happened in the past? Meeting Ashton? Becoming his girlfriend? Hanging out with Luke, Calum and Michael? Starting to have feelings for a total asshole and jerk? Getting drunk and being used? Sleeping with a guy that i thought 'he is the one'? Finding out that i'm pregnant? No. I don't regret anything. Strangely enough, i think that it's all been a rollercoaster ride, an amazing one in fact. I've learned who my true freidns are, and who my enemies are. I've learned that not everyone you talk to will like you. That some people are full of themselves and see nothing but them. That everyone is different. And all of those things have now brought me here.

It is now January. I am now nine months pregnant. The time has flown by so quickly that i haven't even realised. My stomach is now pretty big. I have been going to check-ups, with my mom of course. The baby is big and healthy, which is all that matters really. I have asked the doctor not to tell me the gender, as i just simply want it to be a surprise. I am so excited but yet scared at the same time. All of my friends from college have bought me little clothes and toys for the the baby, which i keep in the room for the baby. I haven't even decorated it yet. I know what you're probably thinking, why and what is wrong with you? I just want to wait until the baby arrives.

"Have you got everything packed?", asked my mom through the phone.

"Yes, yes mom! I've packed it all, don't worry. Now it's just all up to the baby", i said with a slight chuckle as i walked into the kitchen to get myself a drink.

She also laughed. "Okay, sorry for being an over-protective mom and making sure that everything is alright", she said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and with my free hand poured some water into a glass that i have taken out from the cupboard.

I heard screaming coming from the phone. "Mom what was that?", i asked curiously.

"Oh just your siblings, fighting again over toys", she said annoyed.

I laughed. "How are they doing?"

She sighed. "They're good, but messers as always. Listen sweetie i have to go now, they've really out done themselves this time", she said.

"Okay mom, i'll talk to you soon", i said while picking up my glass of water.

"Remember if anything, call me", she said.

"Okay, okay", i said rolling my eyes again.

"Alright but now i really gotta go", she said sounding even more annoyed than before.

"Byee!", i said while hanging up.

I walked into the sitting room and took a sip of my water. Just then i got extreme pains in my stomach which caused me to drop the glass, and it smashed into pieces.

I clutched onto my stomach tightly and groaned in pain. I looked down at my pants. Today is the day.

Panicking i didn't knwo what to do. I grabbed the phone and dialed the first number that came to my mind. After a few rings the line was finally picked up.

"Calum..", i said breathing heavily.

"Ivy, what's going on!?", said Calum with a bit of panic in his voice.

I took a breath. "Calum, it's happening", i said holding onto the phone tightly.

"Uhm okay! Don't worry everything will be fine, i'll call the ambulance to come to you", he said.

I just groaned in pain.

"Just breath in and out, you can do this Ivy", he said panicking on the phone.

I clutched onto my stomach again. "Cal..", i said trailging off.

"God damnit! I wish i could be there with you", he said.

I dropped the phone and it fell onto the floor making a loud sound. I started to breath in and out and trying to calm down but it wasn't helping. I screamed in pain.

Suddenlty my apartemnt door opened, and running in came Zach.

If You Don't Know, Let Me Go. Part 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя