Chapter 5

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

It has been two weeks now since the exams and since i fainted. Oh god, i just hope everything is okay. All the seniors are now in school. We're graduating today! I still can't believe it. Everything is happening so quickly. 

Mrs Thompson was going mad around the whole place. She's making sure everything is in the right place, and that everyone has their speeches, and their graduation caps and togas. We're practicing everything now. 

I was dressed normally, just my blue jeans and a t-shirt. But i will have to change for later. Klara was messing around the whole place. She's really hyper today, guessing it's because she won't ever have to come back to school. I'm quite sad, i will miss this place. It brings a lot of memories. 

"Ivy", called out Ms Roberts, which brought me out of my gaze. 

"Hm?", i asked turning my head to look at her. 

"I want you to stand on the podium, just to see how it looks", she said with a smile. 

I nodded my head and walked up to the podium. It was so high. We're all currently outside. The graduation is being held outside the school, some teachers thought it would be nicer instead of the hall. All the seats were set up for all students and family memebers, and the decorations, it looked beautiful. 

"Alright, looks perfect. Thank you Ivy", she said nodding at me. 

I came off the podium and hopped off the stage. My phone started ringing. 

I took it out from my pocket and looked at the caller. It was Ashton. A smile appeared on my face as i answered. 

"Hi", i said still smiling. 

"Hey, how's my girl? It's your big day today!", he said happily. 

I sighed. "Yeah it is. But you won't be here, and that sucks", i said, turning my head as i heard one of the teachers give off to Klara as she accidentally done something wrong.

"Babe?", said Ashton. 

"Yes?", i asked with a raised eye brow. 

"Turn around", he said. 

"I really don't get why you want me to but, okay", i said as i turend around and saw Ashton. 

My mouth dropped. I qucikly ran over to hug him. He opened his arms and picked me up spining me around. 

I laughed lightly as he done so. 

He gently placed me down on the ground and looked me in the eyes. 

"I've missed you so damn much", he whispered. 

"I missed you too", i whispered back looking up at him with a smile. 

He leaned in and kissed my lips passionately, just like he used to. It felt so good to fianally see him. It's been a while. 

We pulled away. 

"But what are you doing here? You should be on tour", i said looking at him. 

"Yes. I should be, but i couldn't miss such a big day like this and not be here for you", he said with a smile. 

I smiled back. "I'm so glad that you're here."

"I have to go back later today though", he said with a small sigh. 

I shook my head. "Please don't talk about this, let's just be happy that we're together now", i said while kissing his cheek. 

"Alright", he said with a big grin. 

"Ivy!!", called out my mom who was waiting in her car. 

"Shoot, is it already this late?", i said, more to myself than Ashton. "Come on, we gotta go", i said taking Ashton's hand. 

"See you later!!", i yelled to everybody while waving. 

They all waved back. Ashton and i got into the back of my moms car. My mom started driving as soon as we got in. I have to get ready for the evening. I've only an hour. 

"It's good to see you again Ashton", said my mom with a smile. 

"It's good to see you too Mrs Wright", said Ashton with a smile back. 

Mom stopped the car as we arrived at our house. 

"Hurry Ivy!", she said. 

"Alright, alright! Ash, you stay with my mom, i'll try to be quick", i said running out of the car. 

I quickly ran up the stairs and into my room. I picked up the dress that was on my bed and i quickly put it on me. It was a light blue wavy dress, with white flowers on it. 

I looked around my room for my black heels. When i found them i put them on. 

I pulled off the hair tie from my hair and threw it carlessy, letting my hair fall down into it's natural wavy curls. I looked at myself in the mirror and bushed up my hair a bit. I fixed up my make up and put on my perfume. 

Great i'm done! 

But where is my speech?


I walked over to my desk, flicking through all the papers that were on it. Where the hell is this speech!?

After a few minutes i found it, inbetween the pages of some book. 

"Okay!", i said a bit breathless. "I'm ready."

I ran down stairs. My mom, dad, Ashton and my siblings were all in the living room, dressed nicely. 

"Woah", said Ashton, as he layed his eyes on me. "You look beautiful."

I blushed and smiled back. "Thank you."

"Are you ready now?", asked my mom. 

I nodded my head. 

"Great, let's go then. We don't want to be late", she said standing up and picking up her car keys. 

If You Don't Know, Let Me Go. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now