Chapter 3

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

I sighed as i lay down on my bed. 

I'm grounded? I didn't even do anything. Uggh. My mom is so annoying sometimes.

My phone buzzed. 

I rolled over on my side and picked it up to see a text message from Ashton. 

"Hey baby! Can you skype? x"

I smiled and quickly stood up to go and get my laptop which was on my desk. I clicked into skype and started to call Ashton. 

In a minute of seconds he answered. 

"Hey", he said with a huge smile on his face. 

"Hi", i said back, as i walked with my laptop and sat down on my bed.  "How's the tour?", i asked. 

"It's good..", said Ashton still smiling. "Ivy is something wrong?", he questioned. 

"Huh?", i said as i looked up at the camera.

"Is something wrong?", he asked sounding worried. 

I ran my hand through my hair and let out a sigh escape my mouth.

"Ivy?", said Ashton in a serious voice. 

I looked up at the ceiling, trying not to cry. "I'm fine, nothing's wrong." 


But how can i tell him i'm pregnant? He's on tour living his dream and i don't want to ruin it for him.. 

"Come on babe, tell me what's wrong?"

I gulped and took a breath. "This is not easy for me to say Ashton.. I just don't know.. I need to tell you, but i can't", i said looking at him. 

He looked confused. 

"I just really miss you, it's so damn hard with out you here", i lied again, well it's not really a lie, it's a true fact.. But it's not quite what i wanted to tell him. 

He smiled at me slightly. "I miss you too Ivy", he said looking at me. 

"Uhm Ash.. I'm sorry, but i have to go now, i'll talk to you later, okay?", i said with a half smile.

"Okay", he smiled. "I love you."

I smiled back at him and ended the call. 

Why couldn't i just say it? It seems so easy to say.. But yet so hard to actually get those words escape your mouth. I'm pregnant.. What am i going to do!?

My eyes slowly began to water and tears came rolling down my cheeks. I covered my face with a pillow. 

"Why!?", i mumbled. 

There was a knock on my door. I wasn't bothered answering or anything, if they want something they can just come in, and soon enough my moms head peered through the door. 

"Ivy? What's wrong honey?", she said worried, as she stepped inside my room closing the door behind her. 

I sat up and wiped my tears away. "Nothing mom. I'm fine", i said with a slight smile. 

She gave me a look. "I'm your mother Ivy, I know when something is wrong with you", she said as she sat down on the edge of my bed. 

I sighed and looked down at my hands. 

"And i just wanted to say i'm sorry. I know i'm a bit too hard on you these days, but you have to know that i'm really worried about you", she said, with a slight sigh. "Ivy you can tell me anything", she said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. 

I looked up at her. "I just wish i could.. It'd make things so much easier", i said. 

"Then tell me", she said.

"I can't", i said quietly while shaking my head. 

"Awh Ivy", said my mom sadly. She wrapped her hands around me and pulled me close to her, giving me a tight hug. 

I sobbed and hugged her back. "I love you mom", i whispered.

"I love you too sweetie", she whispered back. "Are you sure you don't want to tell me?", she said while pulling away. 

"I'm sorry, i just can't", i said while biting my lip.

She nodded understaningly. "Okay", she smiled. "I've made some spaghetti, just the way you like it, do you want some?", she asked. 

I smiled and nodded. "Yes please", i said looking up at her. 

"Alright, i'll bring it up to you and then i have to put Connor and Cleo to bed", she said while standing up, and opening the door. 

"Mom", i said. 

"Yes?", she asked while turning her head.

"Thank you", i said. "For everything."

She smiled at me, and left the room. 

I feel so bad about myself. The only person who knows that i'm pregnant is Klara. I couldn't even tell my own mom nevermind Ashton but my mom.. What is wrong with me?!

Just then my phone started to ring. I answered it. 

"Hey", came Klara's voice. 

"Hi", i answered back, laying down on my bed again. 

"Soo how you feeling?", she asked. 

I snickered. "Well the fact that i've slept with two people, and my boyfriend is on tour, and i'm pregnant, just great!", i said sarcastically. 

Klara laughed. "You haven't told him, have you?"

"I tried, but i just couldn't make it out, you know? It's like you've everything prepared you know what you want to say, but no words come out? It's an awful feeling.. He's my boyfriend and i don't know how to tell him!", i said annoyed at myself. 

"Hmm.. Maybe you just need a good rest, go to sleep and think about everything, and you'll figure something out", she said. 

"Well i guess you're right", i said, while placing a hand on my forehead. 

"Goodnight", she said. 

"Night", i said ending the call. 

My mom came into the room with a plate full of spaghetti. She handed it to me. 

"Eat up, you didn't eat any breakfast", she said looking down at me. 

"Thanks", i said as i picked up the fork and ate the spaghetti. 

"Don't stay up too late.. You've exams, need to be rested", she said as she left my room. 

Yes, i've exams, that i need to pass to get into college. I can't believe high school is over for me this week. It went by so fast. Sometimes we don't even notice how grown up we are already, time really does fly. 

If You Don't Know, Let Me Go. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now