Chapter 10

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

*The Next Day*

I woke up to the sun beeming brithglty into my window. I opned my eyes and rolled over on my side to check the time on my phone. 

It was 11:06 

I've slept for a pretty long time.

With a moan i got up out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. 

My god. 

I rubbed my eyes gently, as i walked over to the shower and turned it on. The hot water and steam started pouring. I striped off from my clothe and got in the shower, letting the hot warm water fall down on top of me. I placed my to hands on my shoulders and tilted my head back. I reached out for my hair shampoo and opened the bottle. I put some of the shampoo onto my hands and started rubbing it into my hair. When i finished i rinsed my hair out. I then got the shower gel and my sponge and washed my whole body.

And i just stood there. The water falling down on me. Just stood there thinking. 

I know i do this quite a lot. Think. But all the thoughts of everything just rush back into my mind. Ashton, Luke and the rest of the boys. I miss them so damn much, and now that they're on tour i've no one here with me, and it's just so hard. I've finished high school and now i have to look for a good college to apply into, and a job so i can pay for this apartment. And then there's the baby. Obviously i'm keeping it, i still don't know who the father is but i will have to tell both of them sooner or later. 

After all my thinking in the shower, i turned off the water and stepped out onto the mat and wrapped a towel around myself. 

I walked out of the bathroom and into my bed room, i picked up my phone and dialed Klara's number. 

I lay down on the bed, holding the towel agaisnt my chest, waiting for her to answer. 

After a few singnals she finall picked up.

"Hello?", she said.

"Hey", i said. "How are you doing?"

"Oh, hi Ivy. Eh i'm alright, don't really worry about me, but tell me what have you been doing so far?", she asked. 

"Well.. I got a car as my graduating present, it's so cool and i moved out from my parents. It's a new start on everything", i said while playing with my hair. 

"Really a car!? You lucky thing. I just got money, which i might've spent already", she said while laughing on the other end.

I laughed. "But money is still good", i said. 

"Yeah i suppose", she said with a slight sigh. 

"Uhm i was wondering if you want to meet up today? Like go shopping and stuff?", i asked as i sat up on my bed. 

"Sure, sounds fun. Where shall i meet you?", she asked.

"I'll pick you up, when i'm finished getting ready cause i'm just out of the shower."

She chuckled. "Alright well i'll see you in a few", she said while ending the call. 

I stood up and left down my phone on the bedside table. I opened my wardrobe and looked at the clothes. 

What shall i wear? 

After a while of deciding on what to wear i finally picked out a white Summery dress. It was a bit wavy. I took it out from the wardrobe and got dressed into it. 

I left my hair as it was, lose and curly. 

Then i done my make up. Foundation, mascara, and lip gloss, which is the usual. I put on my shoes, and looked at the time. 

13:35 i should get going now

I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and my hand bag swinging it over my shoulder. I took my keys and walked up to the door, opening it. I stepped out side and locked the door behind me. 

As i was walking down the stairs i bumped into some guy. 

"Uhm sorry!", i said not really looking back, as i was really rushing to get to Klara.

"It's okay Ivy", said the guy.

Did he just say my name!? No. I must have heard him wrong. I just shrugged it off and walked out of the building and got into my car, fastening my seat belt and starting the engine.

I drove off in my car. I opened the windows and it was extremely hot today, and turned on the radio, music started playing and i automatically started singing along. 


I stopped driving as the traffic lights turned red. Klara's house it just around the corner. The lights suddenly turned green and i began to drive again. I turned the corner and drove up to Klara's house. I beeped the horn of my car and i could see her out from the window smiling at me. 

I smiled back and waved. 

After a few minutes she came walking out of her house, she opened the door to the car and sat in the passengers seat. 

"Heeey!!", she said bringing me in for a hug. "Oh my god, you're little bump is showing", she said as she pulled away. 

I chuckled. "It is a bit yeah, but not much", i said with a slight smile. 

"Well i see it is", she said while putting on her seat belt.

I laughed and shook my head. "Read to go shopping?", i asked.

"YES!!!!" she said excitedly. "I need to buy new clothes."

I chuckled and started the engine and drove off again. 

We started talking about random things, which made me realise how much i missed her company. Now that all of us graduated everyone is going in different ways for example Ashton, Calum Michael and Luke. 

When i arrived at the shopping center, i parked the car and took out the keys, stepping out side while closing the door. Klara go out too and also closed the door. 

"Time to shop!!", she said with a grin as we both began to walk inside the shopping center.

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