Chapter 12

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

I sat in the passengers seat, looking out the window. 


Zach and I didn't talk. but it was completely fine for me, it wasn't awkward or anything.

After a while of driving, Zach finally stopped and parked the car in front of a fancy looking resturant. I turned my head to face him, but he was already gone out of the car over to my side to open my door. He reached out his hand and i took it. 

"Thank you", i said with a smile, as i got out. 

"No problem", he said with a grin, as he closed the door behind me and handed the keys back to me. 

I placed the keys back into my handbag and when i was done i looked up at Zach. 

"Ready?", he asked. 

I smiled and nodded. 

He took hold of my hand and led me inside the resturant. 

We walked up to the receptionist. 

"Hello and welcome. How can i help you?", she asked with a smile as she looked at the both of us. 

"Good evening", said Zach politely.  "Could we get a table for two please."

The receptionist nodded. "Table for two, no problem", she said as she started typing somthing on the computer in front of her. 

She rasied her hand in the air and clicked her fingers. Soon a waitor was standing by our side. e told us to follow him, and we did. The waitor led us to our table. It was all nicely prepared. 

I was about to sit down when Zach pulled out the chair for me. 

"Thanks but you really don't have to do all of this for me", i said looking at him with a slight smile. 

He shurgged while looking at the menu card. "It's no big deal."

I sighed while crossing my legs and also looked at the menu card.

"So what do you feel like having?", asked Zach. 

"Don't know to be honest, not feeling that hungry", i said as i left down the menu card. 

Zach looked at me with a serious face. 

"What?", i said whith raising an eye brow. 

He shook his head. "I'll order for us then, while you tell me a bit about yourself", he said proudly with a grin as he leaned back in his chair. 

"Alright", i said as i shook my head. "What do you want to know?"

"Anything", he said while shrugging. 

I stayed quiet for a while until i thought of something worth of saying. "Well..", i started. "My name is Ivy, as you already know. Ivy Wright. I am seven-teen, nearly eight-teen. I have two siblings, Connor and Cleo, they're twins", i took a slight pause as i looked down at my hands. "Uhmm... I have now graduated and moved away from my parents house. My boyfriend and his friends are gone on tour. I've always been a good girl in school", i said the last sentance with a slight chuckle.

Zach smiled and nodded his head. "Interesting.. Well i'm Zach. Zach May. I am eight-teen. I have no siblings. My parents are divorced, so i never really knew what it was like to have a proper family. I've always spent my summer holidays at my mothers house, in England and i used to live here with my father, the rest of the times. They were only married for a year. Then when i was born, everything fell apart, as i was so told, but my father, sevral times", he said looking down at the ground with a sad face. 

I felt sorry for him. I opened my mouth to say something but he continued talking so i stayed quiet. 

"But you know i don't really care. I don't know the full story of what happened between them, but they did love each other once and they're my parents so i appreciate them", he said as he looked up at me half smiling. "And now i'm starting college.. Yay", he said sarcastically, which made me smile. 

I looked at him for a moment not saying anything. "It does seem to be hard, the way you've described it, but trust me having a normal family, is never normal", i said smiling at him. 

Zach smiled back at me and we continued talking as the time went by. We talked for ages, because as we were talking the resturant was slowly begining to get empty. People were leaving to go home, and here we were still talking and enjoying each others company. 

I looked around and the place was empty, just the two of us. 

Zach chuckled "Well we must have lost track of time", he said as he began to stand up. 

I nodded and stood up too. "Definitely", i said. 

He pulled out his wallet, to pay for the meal. I stopped him but he didn't let me. 

"Go into the car, i'll be right out", he said with a wink. 

I laughed and walked out of the resturant, while saying some good-byes to the staff that was left to clean up. I walked up to my car and opened the door and got into the passengers seat seeming Zach would want to drive again. 

A few minutes later he came out for the resturat jogging up to the car. He quickly hopped in and asked for the keys. He started the engine and drove off. 

In no time we were outside my apartment. 

I looked at Zach confused, but before i could say something he was already gone. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. 

"Why do you always do that?", i said with a rasied eye brow. 

"Do what?", he said with a smirk, as he walked into the buliding, leaving the door open for me. 

I walked inside the bulding and walked into the elevator, Zach folllowing me. I pressed the number of my floor and it started going up. A minute or so later we were on my floor, i got out and walked up to my door taking out my keys. 

When i turned around to ask if Zach wanted to come in he was gone. I narowed my eye brows.

"Zach?!", i said as i walked around the corridors, but he wasn't there. "Where are you?", i called out. 

No answer. 

Where could he be? 

I turned around and started walking back to my apartment door. 

"Yeah?", he said stepping in front of me causing me to jump.

I let out a smal scream. "You scared me!", i said while hitting him playfully. 

He laughed. "Sorry i was just checking", he said pointing to the door across from me. 

"Wait you live there?", i asked shocked. 

Zach nodded his head. "Now that i know you're safely home, i shall leave. Thanks for the amazing day Ivy", he said as he kissed my cheek. "Goodnight." He waked across the hall and over to his door. 

"Goodnight", i said smiling back. 

I walked inside my apartment and closed the door after me. 

What a day! I thought as I leaned against the door with a smile on my face. 

If You Don't Know, Let Me Go. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now