Chapter 8

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

It now the end of June, a week since i graduated. Not much happened really. I still haven't told Ashton about me being pregant. I just don't know how. My stomach isn't showing that much either.. Well atleast it's not showing yet. 

I was sitting on the floor, packing my clothes into my suitcase. 

I've decided to move away from my parents. I don't want to be a trouble for them, plus i already found a good apartment.

As i was packing my clothes away my mom enterd my room. 

"Ivy..", she was about to say something, but what it was, i don't know. She had her attention on the suitcase. "What are you doing?", she asked looking at me with a rised eye brow. 

"Uhm.. Packing my clothes", i said not looking at her. 

"I see that, but why? Are you planning on going somewhere with your friends or?", she said still looking at me. 

I sighed and stood up facing her. "No mom, i'm not going anywhere with my friends..", i said. 

"But then..", she said trailing off, but i interrupted her.

"I'm moving", i said straight off.

Her eyes widened. "What?! No Ivy you can't do this", she said not believing what she just heard from me.

"Yes i can. Mom i'm almost an adult, please respect my decision. I've decided and i'm not going to change my mind, i'm sorry", i said as i turned around and picked up my t-shirt and began to fold it. 

"Are you out of your mind? How are you going to take care of yourself?!", she said loudly.

I placed the t-shirt inside the suitcase and turned around to face her. "I'll find a job, just like everyone else", i said while shrugging. 

My mom sighed and raised up her hands. "You're impossible!"

"What's all the shouting going on for?", asked my dad as he peered in at the door. 

"I'm not shouting", said my mom stubbornly, giving him a look. 

My dad looked at me, giving me the look ' what's happening ? ' 

"I've decided that it will be better if i move away from you", i said looking at my dad while biting my lip. 

His mouth slightly dropped. "When have you planned this?", he questioned. 

"Since a while now. I just think it would be for the best, i mean yes i'll still go to college. I'll find a job, dad you know i'm responsible", i said as i sat down on my bed.

He nodded his head. "Well there's nothing we can do about this, our little girl is becoming an adult", he said smiling at me. 

My mom shook her head annoyed and left the room. 

"Don't worry about her sweetie", said my dad a he gave me a hug. "I'll talk to her", he said pulling away. 

I nodded. "Thanks dad", i said with a slight sigh. 

He smiled and left the room, while closing the door behind him. 

I lay down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I'm quite scared of what will happen next. I know it's my choice, i want to move out and live by myself, but what i'm scared of is being a mother. I'm not ready for this at all.

I placed my hand on my stomach and rubbed it slightly. 

Maybe there's a reason why this happened? 

I sighed as sat up looking around my room. 

I just need to pack away a few more of my belongings and i'll be ready to leave in a few minutes. I stood up and picked up a big cardbord box, and placed it on my bed. Walking over to my shelfs i took all the pictures, books, little decorations, everything and put it all in the box.  

I kneeled down and closed my suitcase which was filled up with all my clothes. 

That's about it, i thought looking around. 

Of course i won't have much stuff in the apartment, that is why lot's of shopping is on it's way. 

I picked up my jacket from my chair and put it on, i took the suitcase and walked down the stairs with it. It's pretty heavy but i manage. I stood in front of the living room door. My mom looked at me. It seems like she was crying. 

"I'm sorry", i said looking at her. 

She stood up and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around me, squeezing me tightly. 

"When did you grow up so quick?", she said pulling away and looking into my eyes with a smile.

I smiled back. "Time flies mom", i said. 

"It sure does", she said with a sigh. "But anyway, let's go and see that apartment of yours", she said with a smile. 

"Do you really want to see it?", i asked surprised. 

"Well of course", she said. "I just have to call a baby sitter to mind Connor and Cleo", she said as she grabbed her coat from the hanger. 

I smiled at her and took my car keys while walking out the door, pulling the suitcase behind me. I walked up to my car and opened the booth and placed the suitcase inside. 

My mom came outside carrying one of the boxes. She also placed it inide the booth and closed it after. 

"Just wait for dad, he's carrying the other two boxes", she said looking at the house door. 

I chuckled and shook my head as i hopped into the car. I put on my seat belt and waited for my parents. 

Soon my dad came towards the car holding the two boxes, my mom opened the back door for him and he placed the boxes on the seat, and also sat inside him self. Then my mom got in too and i started the engine. 

If You Don't Know, Let Me Go. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now