Chapter 11

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

I walked out of the shopping center with five full bags of clothes and home decorations. It was fun catching up with Klara, i definitely needed that. We don't hang out that often as we used to anymore because we're going to college. And speaking of college i have to go for a tour  today. I'm applying to The University of Sydney and planning on studying English Arts. 

I walked up to my car, opening the booth and placed all the shopping bags inside. 

Closing the booth i walked over to the other side and got into my car, starting the engine and playing some music as i drove. 

I checked the time, three thirty and the tour was at four, i'll be there in no time. 

I haven't spoken to Ashton or Luke yet, i want to but i don't want to crash and break down their dreams just by one small mistake. I mean they're living their dreams now and i couldn't do that to them, but sooner or later they will have to find out. 

I shook my head off the thought, i didn't want to think of that at the moment. The only things that i have to foucus on now are getting into college and taking care of myself and the baby. 

I stopped and parked the car as i arrived at the University. The car park was almost full. Looks like there's a lot of people applying here.

I took a breath and got out of the car, while grabbing my handbag and swinging it over my shoulder. I locked the car and slowly made my way inside towards The University. 

The place was big and nicely decorated. There was a clattered group of people talking in the corner. I turned my head and looked around. A middle-aged lady came up to me and shook my hand.

"Hello", she said polietly with a smile. 

"Oh hello", i said while i shook her hand with a smile on my face.

"Miss Ivy Wright?", she questioned, arching an eyebrow. 

I nodded my head. 

She smiled. "I've read your application and we're very pleased to have you applying for this University. I'm sure you'll love it here", she said. 

"Thank you", i said with a smile back. 

She turned her head and walked over to a small table and picked up a brochure. Walking back to me she handed the brochure to me. 

"Here, you will find each and every class room, if you wish to have a look around. It is quite a big place", she cuckled slightly. 

I nodded my  head "Thank you once again", i said as i slowly made my way up the stairs, looking around the whole University. 

I looked down at the brochure while walking not paying attention where i was going, suddenly i felt someone bumping into me. 

"Oh i'm so sorry", i said looking up to see a familiar guy. 

"It's okay", he said. 

I half smiled and continued to walk my own way when the guy spoke again. 

"Hey i know you, you're Ivy right?". he said. 

I turned around and i could see him smiling. 

I raised my eyebrows. "How'd you know my name?", i asked. 

"We met before, that's if you remember? At the hotel where you were with your boyfriend", he said walking closer to me. 

"Oh right", i said placing my hand on my forehead. "And he's not my boyfriend and never was", i said looking up at the guy. 

He chuckled. "Well that's good to know", he said with a smirk.

I didn't know what it was but i saw some sort of spark in his eyes. 

"I believe i haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Zach", he said as he took hold of my hand and kissed it gently. 

I smiled and blushed. He was so different from other guys that i've seen. 

"Nice to meet you Zach", i said looking up at him with a smile.

"I told you we'd bump into  each other again", he said with a chuckle. "Maybe it was meant to be?", he said with a raised eye brow, jokingly. 

I laughed. "So Zach are you applying for this University?", i asked. 

He nodded his head as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "I am indeed. I'm planning on studying English Literature and Arts, what about you?", he said with a smile as we walked down the hall talking. 

"Oh my god!", i said excitedly. "That's what i'm planning on studying too."

He chuckled. "Coincidence." 

We were slient for a while but it wasn't really awkward. It was a nice slience, in a way. 

Zach opened his mouth about to say something but didn't. 

"What is it?", i asked with a raised eye brow. 

"No, it doesn't matter", said Zach while shaking his head. 

"Oh come on! Don't be like that", i said while hitting his arm playfully.

He smiled. "Alright." 

"So..?". i said waiting him to speak. 

He took a breath. "I was wondering, if you Ivy would like to go out for lunch or dinner sometime?", he said looking into my eyes.

I smiled widely. "Wasn't that scary now, was it?", i said teasing as he laughed. "And i'd love to, infact we could go after the tour is over?", i suggested with a shrug. 

He smiled at me. "Great idea", he said as we waked into one of the literature rooms looking around. 

I speant the rest of my time touring the University with Zach. He wasn't that bad. I've only known him for a couple of minutes and i already feel like i've known him for at least two years, isn't that so weird? Wow what is going on. 

We walked out of the University and stood outside, at the car park. 

"Do you have a car?", asked Zach. 

I nodded and pointed to it. 

"Okay give me the keys", he said reaching out his hand. 

"W-what why?", i stuttered slightly. 

"Because if we're going out for dinner it is not right for a woman to drive, it has to be the gentleman, so keys please", he said with a girn. 

I laughed and shook my head as i handed him the keys. 

He quickly ran over to my car and opened the door for me, i got in while saying thank you, he quickly ran over to his side and also got it. 

I looked at him in admiration. 

"What?", he said with a smile. 

"Nothing", i said simply while smiling back at him.

He just has that something about him that makes him different from others, i couldn't stop smiling for some reason and looked out the window for the whole time that we drove to the resturant.

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