Chapter 19

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*Ivy's P.O.V*


It has now been two years since i gave birth to my baby girl, Darcy. She's the best thing that ever happened to me. She's my whole world. I don't know what i would do without her.

Ashton stopped contacting me for good. I guess maybe it wasn't meant to be after all? He chose fame over me. Never thought he'd be capable of that.

I still live in the same apartment, but it's good. Two rooms, one for me and one for Darcy. The living room is big and so is the kitchen, and of course the bathroom. We don't need much, what we have now is enough.

I'm still in college. I go to my courses daily. When i need someone to stay with Darcy my mom always helps me. She buys her presents, takes her for walks, does everything with her. She really is the best mom and granny.

I was in the kitchen washing the dishes, then radio was on. 'Don't Stop' by 5 Seconds of Summer came on.

"Mommy!", said Darcy as she ran over to me.

"Yes Darling?!, i asked while smiling down at her.

"Pwease turn up the wadio", she said with a grin.

"Oh okay", i said while chuckling slightly, abd turning up the volume.

"Yay!", said Darcy jumping up and down, trying to sing along to the song.

She loves them, she always listens to their songs and sings along. Little does she know that one of the two is her father.

I chuckled and shook my head as she jumped and sand along to the song. I finished washing the dishes and dried my hands. Just then the phone rang.

"Sorry sweetie, have to turn down the volume now", i said as i reached for the phone.

"Awwh", said Darcy.

I smiled at her and slightly turned down the volume.

"Hello?", i said as i answered the phone.

No one answered.

"Uhm hello?", i said again.

No answer.

I ended the call and left down the phone on the counter.

"Who was thwat mommy?!, asked Darcy as she came up to me.

I kneeled down and picked her up, while standing up again.

"I've no idea Darcy", i said looking at her wide eyed.

Darcy looked confused.

I laughed and tickled her and she giggled.

"How about if we go shoppin? Huh?", i said with a smile.

"Yaay!", she said.

I smiled and placed her back on the ground.

"Go get your shoes"m i said nodding my head towards the shoes.

"Owkay", said Darcy as she walked-wobbled over to get her shoes.

I smiled at her and got Darcy's and mine coat. I put my coat on and walked over to Darcy, while kneeling down and putting on her coat and shoes.

"Ready to go?", i asked with a smile, while standing up staright.

"Yeawp", said Darcy smiling and looking up at me.

I took hold of her hand and got my handbag as i put it over my shoulder. I grabbed the keys to the car and walked up to the door opening it. Darcy and i stepped outside and i locked the door.

If You Don't Know, Let Me Go. Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin