"This World Is A Cruel Place"

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Unfortunately for this particular story, I will not be placing Amy Lee in Evanescence, and I will not be placing Spencer Charnas in Ice Nine Kills, but Ville Valo will be in HIM. And yes, all characters will be younger than they actually are ~Alyssa 

Devastated, Amy walks along the hallways of her brothers large home, the dark walls echoing off the hums she soothingly sounds as her footsteps pound down the corridor softly, steadily, and calmly. Dim the lights, because his least favorite-and only sibling as made it to his fairly size office, a very.. particular place might Amy add.

"Now sister, enlighten me with why you are here?" Spencer crosses his arms over his chest, brushing his body towards Amy's with a well known thought of why she might be standing innocently in his office with tensed shoulders.

"Unfortunately, our father has taken most of my well-earned money that I've been saving for a year at most."

"How am I supposed to help you with money? I can return the payments, just send me the-"

"No you can't, he blocked my account and now the only money I have is for a $1.00 lunchable each day with a free water from Starbucks, and of course bills on my house."

"That dinky little shit factor? Come live with me, and I'll provide."  Amy shifts uncomfortably, shuffling her feet a little.

"Can you lend me some money, Spencer please?" He almost feels bad for her, separating them just like that was painful, their father taken Spencer and their mother taking Amy, it was a hard life. Spencer, pointed to the drawer that he saved for Amy, basically if she needed money it was right their, and he let her, this time.

He sees the weight she's lost from barely eating, and the tired circles under her eyes from staying up all night and working. The constant bad reviews she had because people just hated her for no reason, and Spencer was worried, for once he was worried.

Amy pockets the money, and trudges over to Spencer, and giving him a half-hug as a quiet 'thanks' comes out of her mouth.

"Amy?" She turns around, mid-step out of his office.


"If you need anything.. I'm here." She nods, smiling a smile that doesn't reach her eyes, she didn't know if he was speaking the truth or not so she walked out the door, down the long hallways, passing family portraits and photographs, when their father wasn't a drunk and her mother wasn't a snob.

Amy steps out of the place, onto the sidewalk with her worn-in flats hurting her heels. She licks her dry lips in the cold, winter air. Thoughts about how she would be able to stay in her dinky house, the small place even over budget for her. Working all day didn't help either, it just didn't.

Amy, only in a thin black jacket and a regular blue jeans, stalks down the cracked sidewalk, the snow crushing gently under her flats. In this moment, she decided, that it'd be best to go home. Home away from all her fears, and just cry herself to sleep as she skips another meal.

The fridge was empty, and the world wouldn't help her.

She only had her brother, and a friend that barely even came to visit anymore, had her husband to worry about and stopped caring for Amy. That's not even a friend, "She's not worth it Amy", Spencer's said a dozen times but she's always in denial, would her friend even come back and help her through the troubles she's been going through? Or leave her alone in the mist of all hell tumbling down on Amy. 

"You make it seem like the world only hates you, Amy, just you." Her friend said before stepping backwards towards the front door of Amy's house, her thick brown hair already seeming to puff up from the humidity inside of the small living room. 

"You make it seem like, everyone HATES you." Amy remembers this, the exact moment when she was left for the dead by her only friend, the fake friend. "You make it seem like, you are a selfish, rude, annoying little girl that reminds everyone of a whiny four year old. Amy, you are stupid, too insecure, too annoying, too depressed. And no one likes you." 

The snow had gotten thicker on the way to her house, and Amy had silent tears falling down her face, the froze in the icy air, just a small batch of hate running through her veins at the memory of a few months ago at most. Why had her friend turned on her? Why did that friend make it seem like everything was on Amy? 

She only told the girl that she had money troubles, and that she needed to get away from life, go on an adventure away from Brookville, go to another country. 

The small brick house came into view, reminding her of a box. It was a house with a small bedroom, and a small bathroom, and the living room and kitchen was connected with a closet where the laundry machines lay. 

Its the best she could do with the money she had now, she only took 50 out of the drawer Spencer saved just for her, he probably expected her to take more. But that money was going to her bills, and bills only. 

She could survive on lunchables, and water, it wasn't that hard. Well, for her at least. 


Where Is The Smoke When You Need It?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora