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Hello my loves, I started this back and November and I regret not paying attention to it. I loved the romantic aesthetic to it. Now please, enjoy this chapter I'm about to bring to you.

Another year has passed by so quickly, Ville visited often when they were in Ohio the longest. He even flew out on his tour breaks to see Amy, even though she was busy most of the time.

He loved seeing her face, the way it lit up when she saw him.

Mmm, oh how he loved her.

Now he was arguing with her, and this.. this was bad.

"When are you going to stay, huh?"

"I can't if I live in Finland! That's a whole different country compared to America!" He yells,'rubbing his temples tiredly, he was getting a headache from a nonsense argument.

"Then move to America!"

"I am not leaving my home, leaving my career, to be with a women who causes arguments over absolutely nothing! I visit you, I care for you, and I fucking love you! But nooo, you want to sit around here, playing the victim as if there was a "victim" in this situation!"

"Well obviously-"

"Well obviously nothing!" Ville snaps, towering over her angry form, his green eyes casting down on her, "I can't help that I live in a different fucking country! But at least I visit, spend my money to come see you in bi-polar ass Ohio! You should appreciate that, appreciate me-"

"I do fucking appreciate that and you!"

"I don't doubt that, but you need to understand-"

"I do understand."

"No you fucking don't!" Ville was fuming, his arms crossed and eyes blazing with anger.

He was so pissed, why couldn't you appreciate what you fucking got from him?

He wanted to fucking leave.

But he can't.

Unless he wants to spend extra with his passport. He sure as hell wasn't going to do that!

Amy was wrong for starting this, she was so stressed with work that it... she's different now. She isn't the shy, quiet, stand-offish girl who worked three jobs to survive.

She was the stressed, louder, outgoing person, she stood for what she wanted to stand for.

"I'm going to find a bar, a pub or something."

"Ville I'm sorry—"

"I'll be back—"

"Don't go—" Ville was out the door in an instant, not getting used to the summer air. It was hot at night, really fucking hot.

"Ville!" Amy comes rushing out the door, literally grabbing onto his waist and pulling him back. He huffs, this is why he usually lets her win the arguments.

He turns around in her arms, staring down. He just realized how short she really was without heels.

Holy fuck.

He bends down and connects his lips to hers, satisfied as she gives in. Luckily, Amy lived somewhere a bit more secluded.

And not where anyone could see them.

A phone rings and Amy groans, ignoring it as Ville clasps her face, the coolness of his rings bringing goosebumps to her skin.

"Baby, I'd pick it up."

"Fine." Amy sees Spencer's name light up the screen, and she answers reluctantly, her brother was.. an odd little bean.

"Oh look who finally picks up."

"Shut up Spence, at least I actually picked the phone up."


"What exactly do you need?"

"Mommy is here and she wants to see us, to go out to lunch, bring your boy toy too, he seems like a nice guy." The phone disconnects, and Amy sighs rather loudly, focused on drawing a rather fake smile on her face. She really doesn't want to go see the stuck up bitch, and Mommy's boy. Spencer was the favorite anyways. 

She always knew it too. 

Even if she was the first child. 

But who gives a fuck about the first child anyways? Exactly, absolutely no one. 

Suicide, is that you? 

"What's happening?" 

"Mommy and bitch-face want us to go out to lunch with them today, so we'd better change, they usually like high-end restaurants, but I wouldn't wear anything too classy, I don't give a fuck anyways." Amy mutters, turning to go back inside the house with Ville following her every move. 

He barely catches her vented mumble, rolling his eyes once he sees her pull off the black tank she was wearing. Did this girl ever care, seriously?  

If you'd see her walking down the street in sweatpants and a t-shirt, she wouldn't care because that's her. She might even look homeless at the first look until she pulls out her phone. 

"What should I wear, my darling?" 

"Where's your clothes?" 

"In my suitcase." Ville chortles, weaving through the halls behind Amy and waltzing into the room.

"Well no shit, where is your suitcase?" 

"Right over there." He points to the wall, making sure he has a full view once she bends over. 


Hard already? 

You fucking know it. 

"Ville, seriously?" 

He smirks, shrugging as she tosses his clothes had him, disappointed heavily. 

"You better be good at this lunch event." 

"Or what?" 

"No sex." He gasps, putting his hand over his heart. He felt wounded, why would she do him like that. 

How fucking rude. 

He needs her all the time and she knows it too, so what was the point of that. He wasn't going to be stupid and make that deal, uh uh, no. He wasn't going to fall for her stupid ass tricks, he did it quite often, and blue balls was fairly fucking common, let him tell you. 

It was super fucking common when being with her. Amy was a girl, short as fuck, but happy as can be. She lit up the whole fucking room when she could, and when she couldn't, only shit it was a disappointment. 

Ville was upset with himself, he desperately wanted to stay with this girl, maybe he'll ask her to move to Finland, consider her business to expand there. 

She couldn't not agree, he needed her so lovingly. 


"Yes?" She was in the middle of tugging on some tight vinyl pants, a black shirt lie on the bed, with the words 'HIM' printed across of it. 

"So, you are seriously wearing my merch?" 

"Of fucking course I am." Amy finishes putting the pants on, tugging on the cropped shirt, making eye contact with a very hungry-looking Ville. 

"I can't wait to tear those pants off of your body, sweetheart." 

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