"Let Death Bless Me With You"

69 4 11

I got told I had such a plain name, -Alyssa

Should she let him stay?

"Amy please, darling, it's literally freezing hell outside, and already well past midnight." Amy silently agrees, letting Ville smile widely under your piercing gaze. She was still a little concerned, her arms wrapped around her torso and the thick wool of her scarf wrapped tightly around her throat. Ville looked at her, worried that she might just change her mind, he agrees with himself that he's always been annoying, a person that always was persistent when meeting girls. But he knows you're special.

Amy unravels the scarf from her neck, placing it on a small little hanger shelf along with her coat. Ville hesitantly does the same, removing his source of warmth and eyes the coach. The leather stuck out to him, it looked brand new.

"How new is that couch?"

"Five years, when I first moved in." Ville nods, clicking his tongue and kicking a can of coke out of his way. He sees the cans cluttered around the room, either out of laziness or rush. He looks at the empty sink, and a bag of paper plates on the counter. He wonders if all you drink is water, and soda. And all you eat is a damn Lunchable.

He looks at you awkwardly, and sighs.

"Look, I'll take you out tomorrow, to breakfast, and lunch, and dinner. You need food, you look about 90 pounds."

"I'm uh.. 110." He groans, crossing his arms.

"I'll see you in the morning, Ville." 


"I'll be at the hotel tonight, and yes I promise, no I did not hook up with someone, shut up." Amy peeks out of her bedroom door, seeing Ville with his hair messed up and the blanket she laid out for him on the coach on the ground.

His phone was pressed up against his hear as Amy listened quietly, leaning every so slightly in. Just as she was about to step back in, she catches her foot on the rug and collapses. Amy looks up to see Ville standing in front of her, an amused smile stretched across his face. He clicks his tongue and stares down at her, holding his phone in  his hand.

Amy smiles slightly, thinking that she's in huge ass trouble, and that she should start running in about five seconds. "So Amy.. eavesdropping were we?" Amy chuckles, and her face flushes, immediately removing herself from the ground and brushing off her pajamas.

"Do you need to take a shower?"

"Ah, no, I'll go back to the hotel and take one, and then I'll take you out."

"Well then, let me get in the shower and get ready for the day.. and you don't have to take me out, I can survive on the crap I have."

"Funny joke, no you can't!"


Ville stands near the front door with his hands on his hips, scarf already tugged around his neck. His smile stretched upon his ears as he waited for Amy, she moved rather slow when it came to these things. He saw the photos on the wall, the volleyball photos, apparently she was the coach and trainer, and a worker at a venue, and for her mother.

Well that's what he had seen on the walls, and a little schedule on the fridge. He saw the jar half-filled with coins, probably to raise money. Apparently her brother had loads of money, and lived by himself in a dark house. Odd what he could find in just two rooms.

Amy steps out of her bedroom, a small satchel bag at her side with some beat up converse, a black sweater and some blue jeans.

"Are you sure that'll keep you warm?"

"Uh, positive."

"That outfit looks thin, tug a beanie on your head, grab a scarf, lets go, I can't be late." Amy obliges, tugging the beanie on her head and wrapping a scarf around her neck. Ville smirks in triumph, waltzing out the door as she closes the front door and locks it. He pulls her into the rental, closing the passenger door.

Amy sighs, staring out the front window as Ville enters the car, an unworried look on his face as he stares at her.

"Why look so depressed when you have me by your side?"

"Because I have you by my side." Amy inputs sarcastically, brushing her dark strands of hair behind her ear.

"I'm taking that to offensive!"

"You should, Mr. Persistent." Ville chuckles harmlessly, eyeing her as he presses down on the gas petal and moves at the speed limit down the road.

"Why persistent?"

"You're a very persistent guy, that's why." Of course you would think of him like that, he even thinks of himself like that. He always has.

"I'm willing to let death bless me with you."

"Well Ville, I haven't known you long enough for that."   

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