I Feel Your Touch, So Close And Real

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I remember when my laptop wasn't being stupid and let me write, hmmmm. But now I have to use my PHONE. ~ Author

Side note: WednesdaysCoffin I never included Harry Potter, so I shall do it.

Ville hung his head low, typing quickly across the screen as he attempted to write to her. He sent the text, pressing his phone into his chest. She hasn't responded in weeks, and he doesn't know what's going on.

It's been 5 months, and he misses her touch. He misses everything, it's like he could feel it. And yet that have to kiss.

He sounds so.. romantic now.

"Ville, I need you to chill," Bam absentmindedly says, eyes widening with the attitude Ville has, "You're scaring me."

"Am I?"



"Because you've never felt so in.. love!" Bam huffs, folding his arms over his chest. Ville needs to travel back to America now, to Ohio, before he explodes.

He saw her posts on her social media, she has one job now, she upgraded from a dinky house to a much more.. up and running one. She doesn't look like she walks around in sadness.

She looks so... lovely.


"Go to her Ville, go."

- -

Amy sits in her office, she owns a venue! She can't believe it! The venue is much more clean, much more elegant, she's met so many bands! This is great!

She had long forgotten about Ville, who she didn't know was standing outside of the venue right now, not knowing what to say to her.

Or do for the matter.

He was just so.. confused.

This was.. hers?

In Ohio?

"Why are you standing out here like a creep?" A guy twaddles up, his long black hair sweeping down his shoulders. He smiles, the small gap in between his teeth fairly noticeably.

"Who are you?"

"Ricky, Ricky Olson, a big fan of yours." Ricky was all giddy, he was performing with the band tonight, and wanted to check out the venue early.

To his surprise, he finds Ville motherfucking Valo! He thought the America tour was over.

"Nice to meet you, Ricky, I take it you're preforming?" Ville clucks, crossing his arms over his chest.

Ricky nods, "Yes, will you be staying?"

"Mhm, maybe." Ricky smiles, walking inside with Ville who starts towards the front desk.

He breathes, "Can I speak with Amy?" The girl nods, seeing Ricky and waving. She tells Ville to walk down the hallway and knock on the door, to which he does.


"Who is it- Ville?" Amy looks up, eyes smoldering at the sight of him. He shuffles his feet, biting his lip and sitting in the chair across from her.

"Why didn't you ever answer Amy?" His voice cracks, and for a moment her eyes flash with sadness, tears piling at the corners of her eyes.

"I figured you wouldn't want a long distance friendship," She mumbles, "They don't ever work out."

"Oh Amy.."

"I met the guy from a band that's playing tonight, I take it they're new?"

"No, over 10 years they have been together." Ville's slack jawed, how come he had never heard of them before? Was it because he lives under a rock? Probably.

"They're supposed to have Harry Potter on stage or some shit," Amy squishes her eyebrows together, "something weird like that."

"Harry fucking Potter? How the fuck-"

"Do you want to suck Harry Potter's wand dick?" She chuckles, coughing a bit.


"I'm kidding, chill chill."

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