"Baby, Join Me In Death"

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I'm up writing this because its @WednesdaysCoffin birthday, so this is dedicated to her. I'm sorry if this turns out to be shit, it is past midnight- Author

Ville stares at Amy's figure as they enter a small breakfast place in Ohio, well known for their giant pancakes, and oversized food. He clenches his jaw as they sit at a table in the back, the wooden chairs creaking as they sit down on them. "Just split the check Ville, I can pay for myself." Amy whispers, almost hesitantly.

"Haha, no." He opens the menu, the sight of many different options expressing themselves in front of him, it displayed many pancake options, he'd rather get plain, to be honest.

"What're you getting?"

"Well, two pancakes, and a side of bacon, and orange juice. Nothing special, a regular, Ohioan breakfast." Ville chuckles, she was already skinny, shouldn't she be eating more than just.. that? Hell, he barely saw her last night, he thought she was figuratively speaking that she only ate lunchables and survived on water, and caffeine.

"When is your next show, might I ask?" Amy speaks up, questioning him.

"In Ohio? In three days, and then we're leaving the day after." Deep inside, Amy downs about this, realizing that Ville will be leaving to travel around the rest of the country and then going over seas and back to Finland.

"Don't look so down, I'll call you, text you, maybe I'll have time to visit you!" He exclaims quietly, Amy thinks, yeah right, he was a busy person, and she had her own problems to deal with. Her mother constantly bothering her, the other two jobs she worked just to survive.

"Amy, what is your brother like?"

"Hmm, intelligent, knows what he's doing, persuasive, very much so like our father," She smiles with a closed mouth, her dimples showing. So he must be an important figure to society, he deems? He's heard of Spencer before, but not a lot. Probably because Ville doesn't care much for famous figures, he just wants to act like a normal human being.

"Do you always wear your beanies like that?"

"Yes?" Ville adjusts it, his black.. fingerless gloves coming into view, what a unique style he has, she's surprised no one had recognized him yet.

"Ah, its so far up on your head I just-"

"I get asked that same question at meet & greets, don't worry." The waitress had come up and took their orders a while ago, leaving them to a long conversation on how Finland was, what Amy's favorite bands were, Ville at perked up at the mentioning of his band.

Their food had arrived in a few short minutes, even though it felt like hours to Amy. It wasn't her fault that she was starving, it was just that she never had time to eat, or never had money, or the food. So, Ville was her literal savior at these times.

"Do you think I'll ever get out of the lifestyle I'm living now? Or no?" Amy asks, as they make their way back to her little dinky house, she didn't want to go back there, but they were going

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"Do you think I'll ever get out of the lifestyle I'm living now? Or no?" Amy asks, as they make their way back to her little dinky house, she didn't want to go back there, but they were going.

"You could, you just have to believe you can." And sometimes she wishes that he would stop being fucking sexy.

"Believing isn't always doing, Ville."

"Well, just believe in yourself at least. Don't believe in anyone else, know that you can doing this, and that you can get out of the lifestyle you're living right now." Ville sighs before he continues, "Because its that, or Baby join me in death." He speaks softly, but truthfully, dragging out some of the words on purpose to finally make her understand that she could pull herself out of what was going on in her life right now, how she could fix everything up.

She could patch wounds, fix scars, wrap  bruises, but she couldn't believe in herself if she wanted to.

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