Poison Girl

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She sucks his dick while he's driving, also another filler until I get back onto my writing game. 

The little eat-out they were having was sucking terribly. 

Amy's parents were, of course, not together at the moment, and her brother was on his phone. No one was paying attention to each-other, no one was talking. 

It was absurd. 

"So, Mr. Valo was it?" Amy's mother asked him quite prudishly, her silver curled locks framed her aging face. Her mouth was downturned into a frown, eyes piercing straight into his. God, she was a little frightening. Not in the intimidating way, but she just straight up looked like a witch. 

"You can call me Ville if you want." He offers, seeing the women shake her head, declining his offer rudely. 

"I only use formal gestures." He purses his lips, seeing the disapproving look Amy's mother gives him. He also notices the disgusted looks Amy gets also. 

She was dressed for a concert, not an eat-out. 

Especially at a place like this, and he had to admit, he wasn't dressed to impress either. 

Spencer put down his phone, facing Amy as he raised his eyebrows, "Look, Amy, I heard that you are finally making money. I am proud of you." A smirk made its way onto his lips, and Ville could tell that this guy was up to something. 

"Well, this was a nice lunch, but I believe we should be getting out of here." Ville says, spotting mother dearest over there roll her eyes. He wonders if she ever beat Amy with wired hangers. Was that movie still popular? It was a great ass movie. 

An older movie but that doesn't matter. 

"You're not going to pay for us?" Amy's father literally facepalms that his ex-wife's question, choosing to stand up and go to the restroom. Spencer snorts at his mother's idiocy, he couldn't take being here any longer. 

This family was fucked up in so many different ways. 

"Sorry, ma'am, I do not pay for disrespectful people. You have a wonderful daughter here that you do not appreciate, and I am trying so woefully to be nice, and I did not wish to elucidate on the fact that you are a complete idiot. I do hope that you come to your senses that your daughter and I are going to get up and leave this place. I'm sure you have enough money to pay for all of our meals. Now I respectably say goodbye, and have a nice night." Ville takes Amy's hand and his and pulls her out of the restaurant, grumbling curses under his breath as Amy chuckles. 

They climb into the car, Ville noticing his girlfriend not putting her seatbelt on. He eyes her suspiciously, she was the safety geek, and she wasn't doing it? 

There was something going on her he did not know about. 

Once they were on the road, Amy slipped her hand over his pants, unbuttoning them and unzipping the dark material. She pulls his cock out of his boxers, watching as it grows in her hand. He twitches nervously, trying to focus on the road in front of him. 

She leans down, her tongue sliding over his slit languidly, just as she closes her lips around him. She starts to bob her head, smiling as Ville groans. 

This was quite dangerous, one wrong move and they were both going to die. 

Her fingers snake down to start kneading his balls in her hands, and this sent him delicately over the edge, his face painting an O shape as she continued to suck his cock. 

She could taste the salty precum that was dripping out onto her tongue, overwhelming her taste buds. 

"If you don't stop, I'm going to cum into your mouth." 

When she continues to go, ignoring whatever he said. He shook, exploding inside of her mouth and glanced down as he saw her swallow. Oh he was going to do so many things to her tonight, no matter what the circumstances. 

He was going to fuck the shit out of his girlfriend and he couldn't give two fucks. 

"What did I do to deserve you?" 

"I don't really know, you found me and kind of took me in. Made sure I ate, even kick started my career a bit. That's why I love you." 

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