"Would You Die?"

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Oooooo, I'm too good at not updating.

"Lunch, a wonderful thing." Amy breathes, her eyes scanning over the delicious food in front of her.

"Well, duh, it's only the most important meal of the day."

"Breakfast is the most important meal, you idiot." Amy complains, she was sure to miss him. He kind of got her through her hardships for a few days, hours something like that.

She doesn't want him to leave her. She couldn't take it.

Ville leans in, biting his lip as he watches her ear her food. She stops abruptly, making a disgusted face at him.

"Stop eye raping me, it's making me uncomfortable." Ville chuckles, leaning back in his seat. He consumes the food he has, smiling in her direction, now what will he say to her?

Give her tickets to the show?

Invite her backstage and hang out?

She must not like drinking.

But does she?

He doesn't remember!

"Do you work the night of the show?" Amy thinks, does she? Yes, yes she does.

Her stupid, unreliable, fucker of a boss. She swears that he was eventually going to rape her! I mean she gets eye raped by him every fucking day and he brushes up against her, even presses! He's scary but she needs the money. And apparently people don't like they idea of having a poor person working.

A little aggressive...

The diner downtown ahem.


"What?" She snaps, not realizing that she had. He gives her a hurt look, pending on whether or not to snap back at her. He knows she doesn't mean it, and-

"Sister." Spencer comes prancing over, in his fancy clothing with a smile stretched on his face. Fake. Ass.

"Spencer, what?" She doesn't want to deal with him at the moment.

"Do you still need money?"

"I'll eventually pay you back, okay? Just.. can't right now." Spencer nods knowingly, he understands her struggles. Not all can be successful adults like he was, taking daddies and mommies money for funds, unlike Amy who wanted to earn it.

Pfft, who earns anymore?

Ville glares at her brother, questioning. Did he follow them?




"Goodbye." Amy waves Spencer off, acting rather rudely towards him. Spencer was sketchy, if Ville says so himself.

"Excuse me, excuse me, I might drink a little more then I should tonight...!" Some group of girls walks in singing rather loudly, and Ville snorts, green eyes on the group. Amy squints her own, what the hell is happening today?!

She's sooooo confffuuussseeed.

Notice that it's dragged out.

"They look too young to drink, rakkaus." Amy raises her eyebrows, she isn't exactly the smartest when it comes to foreign languages.

"Cause I've got time while she got freedom, because when her heart breaks no it don't break even.." The group switched to another song, smiling to themselves.

Amy wants to vomit at What they have on. Do clothes not exist anymore? Do they not?!

You don't walk in a damn food place with just a fucking bikini!

This is bullshit!

"Amy, relax, they are just young idiotic teenagers that we once were." Amy nods, shrugging her shoulders.


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