I Hear You Breathe So Far From Here

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Did I forget to say this is set when there was an ability to "FaceTime" ? Over a phone. ~ Author

A few months later.

Amy slinks back into her home, restless from work. She hasn't seen Ville in a while, too busy with shows, and she was held up with work. She needed to find a stable job, because working basically 3 isn't helping.

She tosses her keys on the table beside her, eyes closed when she hits the couch. But to her dismay, a loud knock rings on the door.

She drags herself up to it, peeking through the smalls windows to find Ville shivering with his green orbs piercing into hers.

Should she let him in?

"Amy.." He breathes, able to see his own breath when she opens the door. She looked terrible, dark eye bags with her dark hair shoveled up into a tangly bun perched on her head.

"Go away." She whispers, he hadn't bothered to call after shows, she always tried though. She had tried to go to one of the shows, but when she went backstage he blew her off.

It was an undying romance.

Stupid one.

"Let me explain myself, Rakkaus." He gives her a pleading look, and she steps aside, and he notices how clean it looks now. No trash scattered, a photograph of them on the wall.

Nothing broken.

The door shuts, and she locks it, folding her arms over her chest. "Talk," She mutters, "Before I regret letting you in." He feels a jabbing pain in his heart, surely she wouldn't be that cruel?

He clasps onto her shoulders, staring at her. "I am truly sorry, my phone had been broken; I finally have gotten a new one, and I apologize for not coming but I've been very busy," His eyes narrow in on hers, "Please tell me you'll forgive me?"

"What about you blowing me off when I tried to talk to you?"

"I was getting surrounded by fans-"

"But you saw me!" Amy whines, shrugging his hands off her shoulders.


"No excuse, please go back to Finland," She chokes on her words unable to excuse the very absent tension between them, "I know you leave soon."


"Don't Amy me!" She wipes the tears falling down her face. For once she had someone she could trust, someone she felt a connection with. And now, now she doesn't know what to feel.

Shove him out the door and wish to never see him again? Never hear the soft music he sings, never again.

He should just.. go.

"I'm not leaving, I can't leave you." He brushes his thumb down her cheek, feeling a depth of sadness inside of him.

He has never felt this way before.

He wraps his arms around her body, pulling her closer to him. She can't swallow her tears, he was gonna leave her again.

Leave her, possibly forever.

"Please darling don't be scared," He whispers, eyes closed as she wraps her own arms around him, "We can still talk."

It won't be the same.

She won't feel the brush of his hands when he attempts to hold hers.

"Ville, I'll be fine, everything will be fine." She smiles, everything obviously won't be fine.

And he knows it.

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