And I Know, My Church Is Not Of Silver And Gold

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"Harry Potter huh? That's kind of random." Ville mutters, thinking about the guy who was all jittery outside when Ville had said a few words to him. What was his name? Ricky he believes?

"So, what were you thinking?" Amy asks, tapping the black pen on her desk. She was awaiting a phone call from her brother, yes, Spencer, who was now mad at how much money she made. She made more than him in a few months, and without mommy and daddy's money. Looking back, she remembers his ugly scowl on his face.

"I was thinking about you, and how you haven't been responding," He breathes, green eyes wide, "And I missed you, dearly, our friendship." It seemed like there was a bit more than friendship in her opinion, a chance of an actual relationship. Or something like that. They were always together, inseparable, away from everyone as he protected her. She gives Ville credit everyday for getting her where she was now. Owning a popular venue that's busy literally everyday!

She could totally hug him right now. "Ville, stand up, please." He looks at her and nods, standing up and almost tripping over his feet. He shakes his head, stepping to the side of the chair and crossing his arms.

"Amy?" She wraps her arms him, bringing him close and burying her face in his chest.

"My god, have I missed you," She sighs, her midnight hair flowing down her back as Ville buries his hand in it. Kissing her head and sighing, how he cares for her. It's overwhelming. "Please never listen to me again when I say go." Ville chuckles, shaking his head and pulling her closer.

He won't ever, if that's what she means. He doesn't think he'll take the chance. He wants to plant his lips on hers right now, in the office, and he was about to.

"Amy!" A tall, tattooed man comes plowing through the door, eyes bright.

"Holy fucking shit that's Ville Valo!" The very gothic looking man looks shy for a moment, earning Amy a weird look from Ville.

"Ville this is Chris, the singer of the band preforming tonight." Oh. He's already met the first guitarist, now he's met the singer. All of them look like raccoons.

Most likely have interesting music though. Well he was guessing.

Ville went quiet for awhile, listened to Amy and this so-called-Chris talk. Admittedly, he was getting jealous, his green eyes narrowed. He hadn't seen her in awhile, it's not his fault that he missed her. He's plan to kiss her was interrupted.

"So we have soundcheck in an hour, but we're performing in three?" Amy nods, they had the night show, and younger kids had to be out by 10. So the show ended at 9.

"Yes, unfortunately there is a show happening right after you guys, and so unlike the time you guys usually have, you will end earlier. If you would like to change performance time, it will cost more," Amy says, getting a skeptical look from Chris. She was tired of dealing with bands who thought they were more important, and she knows Motionless In White isn't like that, they never have been with her. "Is show time starting at 7 okay? Like the tickets say." Christopher nods, waving at the both of them before walking out.

"You handled that well." Ville says, biting his lower lip and rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Always do, with Motionless In White they are very chill, shy guys, understanding."

"Oh really?"

"No but really." Amy rolls her eyes, grabbing the desk phone when it rings. She widens her eyes as she talks, twisting the cord around her finger. Ville takes a moment to process what happened, where she ended up, he wants to know what her home looks like.

That was probably one of her first purchases, a new car maybe.

"Apparently the other band cancelled, we have to find Chris, fuck!" Amy starts running in her heels, followed by a flustered Ville, he wasn't one for working out.

Or running,

help him.

"Christopher! Ricky! Anyone from Motionless In White!" Another guy comes around the corner, not a guy, a whole group of people all dressed in black.

"We're here, chill."

"You guys are on at 7 still, but the other band cancelled, you end at 10, for kids 18 and younger."

- -

"If all these words, you speak of, meant a thing. I'd take back all the lies against you that I sing!" Ville had furrowed eyebrows as he watched the concert from the camera area of the crowd, Amy allowed him to. She was standing there with him actually, in a much more casual outfit; bobbing her head to the music.

Ville could see the excitement in Ricky's eyes, his smile lighting up the crowd.

"Very good music."

"They look up to you, I've been told."


"Yes, you idiot." Amy rolls her eyes, crossing her arms and smiling sheepishly. Song after song after song; and Ville was still cracking a smile. He admits, the music was really good.

He rather enjoys Creatures and Cobwebs, that's what they're called apparently.

The song playing now was.. "Amy what's this song called?"

She clucks, "We Only Come Out At Night."


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