A New Act

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( So as you can tell I was too excited to not hurry and do the second part. Although I will need future motivation because I highly doubt I will get through this whole story without any motivation. But for now I've decided to write as much as I can while I'm still motivated. :) Hope you enjoy)

-Bryan's P.O.V-
The girl who answered to the name Y/N had walked into the John's office, she looked terrified and if I were her I would be too. Especially because John either fires someone, or changes their casing role, and if that girl is just coming out of college there's no way she can get a bigger role than the one she already has.

I look over at Jesse to see him turn at me at the same time as I turn to him and he smile's somewhat devilishly.

"She's definetly getting fired right now." Jesse says and I reply "No doubt, I feel kinda bad for her though." I say as I look back over at the office door to still see it shut. However, the blinds are somewhat open, I can see Y/N with what looks like a face of... Shock? I would think she would be in tears right now.

Y/N smiles widely for some reason and she appears to be filled with joy. I hit Jesse on the arm and point so he looks over to Y/N. "What's that all about?" I ask Jesse. "I've never seen someone so happy about getting fired." Jesse chuckles as his reply. I roll my eyes "There's no way she just got fired Jesse."

-Your P.O.V-
"The directors didn't like acting of Della, who was going to be the lead lady actor in this. They prefered your acting more and so they will be swapping you and Della." John says with a smile. My jaw drops in shock, my mind had already been going a million miles per hour just by getting the a role in the first place. Now I get to be in a lead role of a big movie?!

John then snaps his finger "Hey, Y/N are you alright?" He asks a little demanding and I snap out of my day dream phase. "I'm yes! I'm fine yes I'm good." I say unable to find the right words and put them in the correct order. John laughs and says "Well here's your script. Bryan Dechart is the other leading role meaning he is basically your lover in this movie."

I became speechless. I couldn't process what was happening and I blurted out without thinking, "Is this a dream?!" John laughs and shakes his head "No this is Hollywood and your a leading role for a big romantic movie. Now get out of my office, training is going to start soon." I mentally face palm as I nod and thank John.

I grab my bag and the new script as I walk out of his office out of the corner of my eye I see Bryan looking at me as well as... Jesse? I didn't know he was in this movie... I jump slightly when Jesse calls my name... How did he know my name?!

"Hey Y/N! Over here." Jesse waves me over as I look up and I shyly walk over and Jesse holds out his hand. "I'm Jesse Williams, this is Bryan Dechart."
Jesse says as I shake his hand and he tilts his head towards Bryan. Jesse had quite a grip, it popping my small hand a bit but I don't think Jesse realized this. "So what did John say to you? Were you smiling about getting fired?" Jesse chuckles and Bryan elbows him in the side for the comment. I was just about to speak as one of the directors speaks up.

"Alright cast, please make a circle around me and we will begin with our roles." I look over and I assume Bryan and Jesse do as well. I look back over at Bryan and Jesse and I give a look meaning I'll talk to them later, I walk over and stand in the circle with the rest of the casting members. "So we had a few role switches, many of you may be aware. Y/N is our new female leading role, Della, you are switched to be the leading role's best friend."

I watch as the director turns his head towards Della and I look over at her. Della glares right at me, she looks angry and gives me a menacing glare.

The glare unsettles me and I try to ignore it, looking back at the director I somewhat zone out on the rest of what he is saying. I see Bryan out of the corner of my eye and he has a eyebrow raised as he looks directly at me.

-Bryan's P.O.V-
How in the hell did Y/N get the leading role? I'm not upset about it but Della does everything in her power to get what she wants. Della can do it because her father owns multiple companies within theatrical production.

I smile a bit thinking about this, not just the fact that Della just got degraded but because I don't have to work with a snob. Y/N seems kind... Y/N is slightly shy though but its kind of... Cute? Wait... what am I thinking.. its just a compliment. It doesn't mean anything.

I noticed the glare Della gave to Y/N and it concerned me slightly as I know Della always has something up her sleeve to make it hell for someone else's life. I look over at Y/N to see her reaction and I can tell she seemed unnerved by the action. Y/N looks over at me but I don't look away. I don't know why I didn't. I want to know what she's thinking.

-Third Person/P.O.V-
The casts go through the script for the rest of the day, as well as learn about the settings. Afterwards, everyone goes home a little after 6PM.

(Oh boy that was a blast to write. Especially because I came up with half of it off of the top of my head. So what do you think Della's gonna do? She has lots of power now that we know. Guess we'll find out in the next chapter.)
1066 words.

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