Waking Up

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-Your P.O.V-

I open my eyes to see the sun rising. I look around more and realize how clean the room is... This isn't my room.. I sit up quickly but groan when I realize my head is aching terribly. I would scan the room to figure out I am in.. the hospital? I look at the monitor recording my heartbeat, temperature, ect.. I look to the oppisite side of me, my left, I see Y/F asleep, slumped in a chair as she snores and I smile lightly. A doctor walks in waking up Y/F with a jolt.

The doctor smiles warmly as he holds a clipboard "Good morning Y/N. I see Y/F is up as well. I hope you rested well. I'm Doctor Parker and I will be your doctor for the time of your stay here at our hospital. I've come to do a simple exam on you just to make sure everything is in working order." How come he was so kind? I mean like EXTRA kind..? The doctor carefully sat on my bed. "Do you remember your first and last name?" I just give him a 'well-duh' kinda look and I tell him my first and last name "Alright Y/N do you know the date?"

I assume I've only been here over night. "November 21st, 2018?" I say it as if it were a question and the doctor smiles "Well done. Now to your left who is that?" I look to my left to see my best friend and she smiles comfortingly and I smile "Her name is Y/F. She's been my friend since the Freshman year of college." My eyes leave her and back to the doctor. He takes notes and looks back up at me. Dr. Parker's facial expression changes from being happy to being concerned. "Alright Y/N this next question may be tough, and take your time. Do you remember anything yesterday?"

I shift my gaze to downwards, I now look at my hands. "I remember... I remember a small boy, he asked for help, I wanted to help him but..." My eyebrows furrow "I must have blacked out or something. I then remember sharp pains, I heard officers and sirens, then nothing again." The doctor looks at me questionable and he writes down an exact quote from me. "So would you say you were unconsious the whole time?" I look back up and think about it for a moment before nodding my head. "From then until now yes, when I could hear things I couldn't open my eyes or even move. I could just hear things." I say looking at the doctor expecting him not to believe me but his facial expressions tell me the oppisite.

"Okay Y/N I will consult with other doctors. For now you are good enough to go to our holding facility. It has other patients there as well. There will be a curtain on all sides for privacy. If you are okay with that we can move you?" I nod my head, I'm sure Y/F wanted to go home and she wouldn't have to worry about me while I was in the hospital.

-Bryan's P.O.V-

I sat in the wating room, I just got the bill of health and I was waiting for them to fax over a few things before I could offically be discharged. Of course I wasn't going home. I wanted to see Y/N and make sure she was okay. The doctors told me I saved her life. Otherwise when she was unconsious during the crash she could have died... I still caused this mess and I can't help but feel guilty over it all. After a few minutes of zoning off I snap back to my senses when I hear "Bryan Dec-" the receptionist pauses and widens her eyes and blinks "Uh, Mr. Dechart?" She looks up and I walk over. The receptionist's face becomes red and I smile "That's me" I say trying to be friendly and she hands me a paper to sign along with a pen and she says in almost a whisper "I kn-know.." I quickly scan the paper and then sign it. I hand the paper back to her as well as thank her. She just nods slowly as if shes in shock. "Hey uh do you happen to know where Y/N L/N is?" she quickly types in something and clicks on a few things. "She just got moved into the holding facility. Down the hall 5th one on the right." The receptionist says and she looks up at me still in a daze and I smile "Thank you." I say as I walk off to the room, I can feel her gaze on me as I walk away.

-Your Friend's P.O.V-

I couldn't help but feel so terrible. I couldn't stand to see one of the kindest and pure hearted person I've ever known in such a terrible condition. "Y/N would you like me to grab you some more water?" I then smile and whisper "I can go down to the cafeteria and sneak you up a cinnimon roll." I giggle and she smiles happily and nods her head. I could tell she was trying to be happy and I don't know how she does it. I moved the curtain out of the way to leave the small space with Y/N's empty cup in my hand and just as I walk out of the large room someone grabs my wrist and pulls me aside.

"Hey! What do you- Bryan?" I ask looking up at his well sculpted face. I notice cuts and bruises. A stitch as well on his head. "Is Y/N in there?" He asks and I nod my head "Yeah I was just gonna go get her some water... Uh.. So can you please explain this to me. I don't think she knows your here. I asked her if she saw you and she told me no..?" Bryan facepalms and he sighs heavily. "I'm assuming she didn't tell you?" I shake my head in complete confusion.

After Bryan told me about how he gave her his number I just exclaimed "YOU GAVE HER YOUR NUM-MPHHH!" Bryan covered my mouth and hushed me. "She doesn't know it's MY number." He whispers and and I give him a confused look and he groans while pulling away his hand "Okay it sounds insane but I snuck my number into her bag when she wasn't near it." I laugh a little at first and whisper/yell "You are as weird as the characters you play in those short films!" Bryan rolls his eyes and after I end my mini laughing fit I whisper "I was just going to get her some water, when I get back you can come in with me." Bryan nods and follows me to go get Y/N water.

-Your P.O.V-

I felt like I waited forever just to wait on Y/F, I wasn't upset I just missed someone here with me. Although I was surrounded by other patients and nurses we were all secluded from one another by the green curtains, forming a box in which I assume for every makeshift hospital room there is in this one large room.

I hear footsteps and Y/F pops in and she hands me my water "Thanks Y/F." I smile and drink my water as I look at her expecting her to hand me my cinnimon roll I was promised and she realized what I was looking for. She grins and she whispers "Oh I found something WAY better than the cinnimon roll you wanted." She walks out and drags in... Bryan?! I could feel my face go instantly red. I felt like I could just dig myself a hole and just die in it. I did not look great and now my celebrity crush was here?! Bryan smiles at me and I take a closer look. He's hurt and I point to his face. "Bryan what happened-" I was cut off by the sudden hug he gave me "I'm so glad you're okay Y/N." Bryan whispers and lets me go. I sat there going through so many mixed emotions. I looked right into his glimmering chocolate eyes. A small section of his brown hair was dangling onto his head, I was at a loss for words so I asked the only think I could think of in that moment. "Bryan what happened?"

(Hope ya like the chapter! Trust me its gonna get WAYYYYY good. I want to write more in each chapter, but I'm not sure if you guys would like that. Let me know if I should make these longer or keep these chapters the same length! Thanks for reading -Brin)
1484 words

The Perfect Actor ( Bryan Dechart X Reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang