Off The Seat.

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-Bryan's P.O.V-

It's evening now and its all getting worse. Every moment I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack. I let this happen to her. I should have protected her. I should have gone to her and not to Y/F. I run my hands through my curly brown hair over, and over, and over in stress. I feel a hand press gently on my shoulder. I lift up my head and look over to see Y/F. It was nice of her to comfort but she still unnerved me in some ways.

I smiled gently, silently thanking her and she speaks in a soft tone "We'll find Y/N. I just can feel it." She said as she slid her hand off of my shoulder and onto her lap. Y/F then looks down at the table and speaks with a voice full of guilt and sorrow. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about the phone call. I just got so wrapped up in my life I didn't realize how much danger Y/N was in."

I look over at her. I didn't want to be angry but how could she have not realized how much danger Y/N was in? I pushed back my angry thoughts and I barely let out a whisper "It's okay." I look back towards the table in front of me. Y/F just gets up and walks off. As if on cue Detective Turner walks in "We have a plan set in place Mr. Dechart." He says as he takes a seat across from me.

-Your P.O.V-

I still had the bag over my head. I was threatened if I didn't stop sobbing, which nearly made it worse and the whole time I was fighting back tears. It had been awhile since I had gotten in the van and then I hear one of the guy's yell, "Howard I can't take it anymore! Pull over I gotta take a piss!" I sighed and we started to come to a hault. I heard a side door open and I heard the old man's voice-Howard say "You boys watch her I'm gonna go in and buy some shit."

So we were at a gas station? Small store? Who knows but it became silent fast. No one spoke until a few minutes when it sounded like they were strangling each other. I panicked, I thought they were going for me next and once I felt them touch the top of my head, grabbing onto the bag on my head I screamed. "No please!" A man yanked it off and there were two men dressed in bullet-proof vests, they were tall so they had to lean over not to bump their head against the roof.

"Shhhh Y/N, we work with the detectives in your hometown we're here to help you." I felt as if all of my burdens just lifted off me. I felt as light as a feather. One of the two men pulled out a pocket knife and flipped it open. He began to cut the restraints off of my hands and I rubbed my wrists, seeing the red markings from how tight the restraints were. They finished off with my ankles, I turned to see 3 other men passed out on the ground, they must have been the ones I heard the other two men beating up. I turned around and I smiled then they checked the windows. "Y/N I need you to follow our every single direction so we can lead you to safety.

"Derick, the escape car is over there! We need to go now." A man that was very tan and dark hair said in a yell/whisper to a blonde, skinny man I now know as Derick. They both nod at one another and they ensure I will be safe. They open the back two van doors and they tell me to duck. I do so and we sneak behind cars, Derick watches the windows of the store to make sure Howard isn't looking. We carefully make our way to the last car, it was a small grey car. They unlocked it and had me get in the back. "Stay low." Derick whispers and I now am basically laying in the back.

My heart was racing a million miles per hour. I was panting like crazy. "Quientin we need to stay so we can escape with Will." Derick says to the short haired, male, brunette. I begin to realize. 'It wasn't perfect timing it was a set up.' I then face palm at the realization that a random car that they own would just happen to be at the store the man needed to go use the restroom at. I peer up a little to see Howard searching through the isles. The man who stated he 'needed to piss' walked out and was talking to Howard. I assumed he was Will and he walked out of the store. Will walked in the direction of the van and looked back to see if Howard was looking. Will bolted to the car and Quientin started up the car. I scooted over but stayed low and Will hopped into the car.

As soon as the car door shut Quientin threw it in reverse and I noticed Howard looked up at the noise. Seeing his people escape he dropped everything and he bolted out of the store. Quientin tried to reverse quickly but somehow Howard was agile, Howard had managed to get on the hood of the grey car and was cursing us and yelling, his face went full red. "Hurry Quientin!" Derick screamed and Quientin swerved while in reverse, shaking off Howard. As soon as Quientin was on the road he threw it in drive and sped off. I think we all sighed a sigh of relief at the same time.

-Bryan's P.O.V-

I sat in an office with Detective Turner and Y/F. I hoped to god their plan worked. It had been nearly an hour since Turner had told me about their plan and I could even tell he was getting concerned. The phone rang and I shot my head up. I desprately looked at Detective Turner as did Y/F. Turner grabbed the phone and answered "This is Detective Turner." I could tell he was waiting in anticipation as the rest of us for the caller to speak on the other end of the line. It was only the secretary telling Turner about a fax he was getting and we all sighed. I felt as if my heart sank another foot into my abdomen. I was slowly losing hope. I didn't want to but it had been 8 hours since she had been kidnapped and she could well be... I shook my head. No she isn't I won't believe it.

The phone rang again and I looked up at Turner, I then exhaled thinking it was his secretary again. Turner answered it with a bit of hope in his eyes. His eyebrows raised "What the hell took you so long!" A moment of pause filled the room as he was listening to the caller on the other line. "Ah fuck okay I'm glad all of you are safe. Alright, goodbye agent." Turner hung up and smiled. "They have her, shes safe and sound." My heart fluttered and I smiled widely. I felt Y/F wrap her arms around me and cry tears of joy. I hugged her back in comfort and I felt a few hot tears roll down my cheeks.

After a minute Detective Turner led us out the back to a parking lot behind the building. What felt like forever was only 10 minutes when a grey car pulled in and I saw Y/N in the back of the car and I felt my eyes fill with tears all over again.

Y/N got out of the car and ran to Y/F who was standing in front of me and they hugged tightly and cried. Y/N let go of her and gave me a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and I felt like I never wanted to let her out of my arms again.

(WHEEEWWWW your safe :') I had so much fun writing that chapter! I hope ya'll enjoyed. I can't wait to publish the next one!-Brin)
1405 words

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