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-Bryan's P.O.V-

"Oh shit shit shit!" I watch the events unfold before my eyes across the street. "Someone call 911!" I yell and someone responds and dials the number.

I rush out of the coffee shop and across the street while dodging cars. "Let her go!" I exclaim and a masked man tosses her into the van. The masked man quickly pulls out a gun. "Stop there or I wont hesitate to blow your brains out!" The masked man's rough voice exclaims.

I stop in my tracks and hold my hands up "Don't do this man. Please she didn't do anything." The masked man angrily replies "My boss said otherwise!" The masked man curses himself at the previous comment. "Who's your boss?" I say slightly lowering my hands and the masked man stiffens up again. "I already said enough now get out of the way!" I slowly step out of the way with my hands still raised. "Alright man.. But please just let her go and I'll give you all the money you want." Like a crazed lunitic he hits his gun against his head multiple times hard. "It's not ABOUT THE MONEY!" The masked man shouts and we both begin to hear police sirens. The masked man begins to show fear and he begins to slip up with his speech. "S-Stay there and I won't b-blow your fucking brains out!"

I nod, I wanted this man to take my word for truth but I had something in mind. I couldn't just leave Y/N. Especially since this was all my fault. The masked man hops in the van and quickly turns the van on and begins to drive without checking his mirrors. At that point I had run to the back and clicked open the back door as the masked man was about to drive away. I hop in before he began to drive quickly. There was a wall seperating the front of the van and the back. I looked at Y/N. I was so scared for her and I nearly teared up. Her Y/C hair layed behind her as she layed in somewhat of an uncomfortable position. 'Don't worry Y/N I'll fix this.' I think as suddenly the van takes a sharp turn making me hit the side of the van. The air nearly had gotten knocked out of me, I couldn't worry about my pain in that moment as I had to get Y/N out of here.

I began to the hear sirens get closer and grow louder. 'The cops!' I think and I pick up Y/N and swing open the van door to see the cops behind us. I make sure to wave for help but I was cut off as we hit a bump and I quickly grabbed on to a handle that was attatched to the roof. I panicked as I realized the Masked driver was now trying to throw the cops off of his tail to escape by swerving through traffic, nearly hitting pedestirans and other objects.

The police saw me. I felt it begin to rain and my brown hair was not wet and swaying in the quick wind. I tried to keep a steady grip on the handle of the van but the rain was making me lose that grip. I heard horns, from cars, then suddenly... It all stopped. The car, the police, the horns, until it all came to a crashing hault instead of it being frozen in time. I knew what happened and my first instinct was to hold Y/N as tight as I could. I flew back and I squeezed my eyes shut. After I hit the wall behind me there was nothing.

-Your Friend's P.O.V-

I turned the TV on to find it set on the news channel. I didn't care for it much as I only wanted backround noise and knowing that channel there will defenitly be a lot because of how much those news anchors love to tell stories and tell their opinions.

I pulled out my phone and texted a few people until I heard "A girl was wittnessed being kidnapped and thrown into a white van across from a popular Coffee Shop near Highway 45. A young man with short brown hair, and brown eyes ran after him. They both have not been reported found or alive. The van sped down Highway 45 and ran right into another vehicle. More information will be addressed later. Back to you Devin." I watched and worried as Y/N told me she was going to that exact coffee shop.

I quickly called her and waited... ring... ring... ring... This is Y/N! Please leave a message and I'll get back to ya! "Oh god no... I hope she's ok".. I grabbed my purse and keys and I raced to the scene.

-Your P.O.V-

I could hear sirens and yelling. I was in pain, it felt like hundreds of knifes were sticking in me with another hundred of pins and needles. I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't move I could only hear and feel things then I heard "Ma'am! Sir?! Lieutenant Hank! Both victims are unreponsive!... Pull them out goddamnit!" I felt hands wrap around me and drag me out. I was layed on what felt like a bed and I was tied on? I don't know.. I heard it all fade away again... No I just need to know what's going on... No...

-Bryan's P.O.V-

I felt being dragged out and I opened my eyes and groaned "Lieutenant! He's responsive!" A strong voice called back "Medics over there!" I tried to look around but it was so blurry... I couldn't understand... I raised my head to see a big pile of metal, and I remembered and sat straight up. "Y/N!" My head pounded but I had to find her... Y/N where are you? "Sir calm down, we're going to help you." I felt someone grab my shoulder, they smelt like a sterilized hospital. A bright light shone in my eyes... I was being examined.. "Put him in the back with the other lady." A strong voice called out and I was helped up. I couldn't even walk on my own and the set me in what looked like an ambulance- "Y/N!" I shouted as I saw her lying and strapped into a stretcher. there was an oxygen mask on her. I tried to rush to her side but I nearly tumbled over. "Sir please, you have a concussion. You need to sit and we will take you to the doctor." I didn't want to go I wanted to be by Y/N, I NEEDED to be. After what I did to her I caused all of this by asking her for a cup of coffee and I want to make sure she makes it out okay..

-Your Friend's P.O.V-

"Excuse me, 'Scuse me, sorry, pardon me." I quickly ran through the crowd and news cameras. Running up to the tape a police officer stopped me "Ma'am this is as far as you can go." I looked up at him. "No please I think Y/N is in there! My fri- Sister! She's my sister!" I exclaim and the officer looks at me with an eyebrow raised. He sighed and motioned me to follow him. "Stick close to me. Hurry the ambulance is going to leave." I quickly ducked under the tape and followed him to the ambulance. I see a man stumbling to the ambulance. He must have been in the accident too- "BRYAN?!" He looked at me and he squinted as he was sitting in the ambulance. "Y/F?" He said his voice harsh and scratchy sounding. He was very sweaty, his hair was wet hand dangling in front of his eyes slightly. Bryan's clothing was torn. He didn't pay me much mind as he looked at the person in the stretcher. I had to climb up to see who was in it "Uh ma'am you shouldn't-" "Y/N!" I cut off the officer and my jaw dropped in shock as I looked at the state she was in.

(OOOOHHH BOOOYYYYY HOOWWDDDYY I even shocked myself xD well I hope this was a good twist but this is only the beginning! -Brin)
1387 words

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