In The Wrong Or The Right?

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-Your P.O.V-
I woke up at 1 AM. I didn't expect anyone to be up so I wrapped a fuzzy blanket around myself so I wouldn't get too cold when I went downstairs. I peered through Y/F's room as I was headed to the stairs, she fell asleep most likely watching YouTube. Her laptop was on and she had one earbud in and one earbud out. I smiled as she does this nearly everynight.

I quietly walked downstairs so hear the TV on. I saw the light of the TV hit our lounge room walls and I peered around the corner, to see sweet Bryan asleep on the couch.

I walked over and used the blanket around me to put on him so he wouldn't get too cold. I walked back to my room and grabbed my phone. Bryan said he'd grabbed it before he got in the van. It was scraped and cracked but it still worked and I didn't have enough to buy a new one yet. Especially since I had to pay so many bills. I checked my phone to see one of the producers texted me

Producer: Hey Y/N I heard about your accident. How are you? Hopefully well, the cast says to get well soon. The directors and other producers will pay for your medical bills as apart of contract.

I had totally forgotten that they pay 3/4 of my medical bills and I sighed in relief.

You: I am well! I escaped the accident with minor injuries and I will return to set the following week on Monday. Thank you and tell the cast I say thank you to them as well!

It's too early to text him but I knew I'd forget to text back later so I just decided to send it. Out of the corner of my eye my door slowly opened and I shot my head up. 'But everyone is asleep!'

My head pounded from my quick movement but there was so much adrenaline racing in me so fast I barely noticed. My heart started beating quickly and I used my phone light to shine it at the door.

Bryan entered the room, his hair was messy from sleeping and he had my blanket wrapped around him. He covered his eyes and whispered. "It's just me." His voice instantly relaxed me and I turned off the light on my phone. Bryan's eyes must have adjusted to the darkness and he sat on my bed. "Thanks for the blanket." He smiled and offered to give it back to me "No worries and you can use it while your here."

Bryan thanked me again and wrapped it around himself again then he asked "How you feelin?" I nodded and decided not to tell him the truth that my head was pounding from the little scare "I'm just fine, I woke up not too long ago." I smile slightly and I look down when the awkward silence rolls in.

Bryan looked at me as if he was trying to figure out what to say "Y/N are you sure you are alright?" I look back up at him 'Does he know I saw Y/F and him yesterday?' I nod and smile again "Just peachy." Bryan sighs and gives me a 'yeah righ' type of look

"Y/N what's really going on? I came to check in on you and you.. You had fallen asleep crying.." He says looking at me concerned. I sighed, 'Did I really want to tell him?' I look up at him, his chesnut eyes looking right back into mine, a piece of his curly brown hair hung low onto his head. "Bryan.. I saw you with Y/F... It sounds so stupid.. Ugh I don't know." Bryan raises an eyebrow. "At the hospital?" I nod and look down ashamed.

Bryan smiles and carefully puts his finger under my chin to lift up my head. "Y/N there's nothing going on. Y/F just wanted to know events from last night. She got close to me because she was getting out of the way from other patients. Dr. Parker came and talked to us. You came out moments after he left."

Bryan removes his hand from my face. I advert my eyes from his in embarassment. I knew my face was red but I was hoping he couldn't see it because it was dark.

Bryan moved a stray section of my Y/C hair that was covering  my right eye and he places his hand on my cheek. Then he slowly places his hand back onto the bed and scoots a little closer. "Jealous much huh?" He chuckles quietly and I roll my eyes "No just concerned." I say lying but I knew he could see straight through me. There was no more pretending. He knew so much about me as I did of him. "Mhm sure." He laughs again quietly and he smiled.

Bryan's smile melted my heart and I slowly leaned in as did he. I turned my head away and covered my mouth "I'm sorry I have morning breath." I say terribly embarrassed and Bryan gently grabbed my chin and whispered "I don't care." He removed my hand and he closed his eyes. His soft lips touched mine and he gently kissed me. At this point it wasnt just butterflies in my stomach they were bouncing off the walls. My heart was racing faster than ever before. I placed my arm on his shoulder. I placed my hand on the back of his head as he placed his hands on my hips, placing a firm grip on them but not too tight.

We slowly pulled away to catch a breath and I fluttered open my eyes to see him open his, revealing his chocolate brown eyes. He whispered "Get some sleep Y/N." I nodded and he let go of me as I did of him. I layed down and he covered me up, just as he was about to leave I shouted whispered "No wait!" I blurted. "Will you s-stay with me?"

-Bryan's P.O.V-

"Will you s-stay with me?" My heart was already racing from the kiss but I began to feel butterflies in my stomach all over again. I nodded. "If you'd like me too." I say in a soft voice and she smiled and I could tell she was blushing from a dim light that was shining from the hallway into her bedroom. I walked back to her bed and I layed on the other side. I tucked her in and layed next to me. As I waited to fall asleep I felt Y/N lay her head on my chest while she slept. I think that was the biggest smile i've had on my face since Amelia and I's divorce.

(YAAAASSSSSSSSS I mean *Ahem* That was beautiful. Haha hope you enjoyed and oof there are so many new readers I'm so excited!!! Thanks for reading and I hope ya'll have an awesome Thanksgiving!-Brin)
1179 words

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