The Unlocked Door

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(Helloooo! So as I am guessing you were quite shocked in the last chapter. I decided for this one I would change P.O.V's quickly. Its only for one part but here is what it will look like:
Changing to Bryan's P.O.V: XXX
Changing to Your Friend's P.O.V: WWW
Thanks for reading and enjoy!)

-Bryan's P.O.V-
Y/F was calling me and I sighed, I pinched the bridge of my nose in stress and I answered "Hello?"
"Bry! It's Y/F, hey I was wondering if we can just have lunch instead. In two hours? Okay thanks and cya!"
I heard the other line hang up just before I got to say anything and I groaned. 'Don't stand her up Bryan, just go and explain that you don't feel anything for Y/F' I groaned, I got ready and fixed my hair. I decided it's no use to eat breakfast now if I'm just gonna eat in a couple of hours so I sat on the couch and watched the news.

Reporter: With the events from two days ago cops Identified the mad man driver as Carlos Ortiz, Carlos kidnapped the famous actor Bryan Dechart and Y/N Y/L. Both were safely taken to the hospital with minor injuries yet the receptionist at the hospital told us that Bryan had beat up Carlos, saving the girl who was also kidnapped. Bryan was also reported by the receptionist nearly dead at sight.

I frowned. Obviously half of that wasn't true, and I know for a fact I wasn't nearly dead at the sight. If I hadn't gotten medical attention for more than 12 hours I would have been. If anything Y/N was closer to death than me! I didn't fight off the driver but I did try to reason with him. I scoff and roll my eyes "People."

I looked at the time and called a cab an hour early so I could get there on time and hopefully not actually have to have lunch with Y/F.

(Quick P.O.V switches here between Bryan and Your Friend)


'Bryan would be here any moment' I thought to myself and I smiled as I sat a small table for two. I saw Bryan get out of a cab and fix his plaid button-up shirt. My hear fluttered and I pretended not to see him. I quickly pulled out my phone and scrolled on Instoogrem


I sighed as I walked into the resturant and sat down in front of Y/F and she smiled widely "Hey Bry!" I tried to smile but it made me uncomfortable when she called me Bry "So what ya getting?" I asked her being polite.


"Just a salad. I usually don't get too hungry at lunch time." I smile and Bryan smiled and nodded "Y/F I have to tell you someth-" My heart was beating like crazy, the waiter inturrupted him and asked us for our orders and we ordered.


I internally groaned as I listened to Y/F ramble on about how she was in the movie. Not once did she talk about Y/N which I nearly brough her up most times.. I would have if I could have even gotten half of a sentence in.


Bryan was such a good listener! He made sure he was paying attention to everything I was saying. Bryan must be really into me.


We finally got to walk outside and I knew this was my chance "Y/F I have to tell you how I feel about this-" She cut me off and she placed her hand on my shoulder. "I know exactly how you feel Bryan." She said in a seducing whisper. She leaned in somewhat pulling me down and she kissed me. I had to pull away and I did. "No Y/F... I'm sorry I don't like you like that.. I'm so sorry.." I try to say apologetically but she just teared up and said "Oh.." I felt guilty but she was kinda getting on my nerves. She walked away sniffling. I sighed and looked over at the studio to see Y/N drive away.

-Your P.O.V-
As I drove home I just contemplated how I could get out of this mess. I pulled into my driveway and got out. I locked my car and walked to the door. I was going to unlock it when I put my hand on the knob and it opened. I rolled my eyes 'Of course Bryan didn't lock it when he left. He was too worried about his new girlfriend.' I opened the door and entered. I set my purse down and I entered the kitchen I put my head in my hands and sighed. I looked up to see someone in dark clothing sitting on the sofa. I looked around for a phone.. I couldn't find one in my pockets... Damnit I left it in my room! I can't get up there without the intruder seeing me... I quickly grabbed a knife and slowly entered the living room. I raised the knife and looked up. It could see me through the reflection of the TV.. The dark clothed figure turned around and sprayed me right in the face

I coughed and I forced the knife down. I heard the dark figure scream and I fell to the ground losing consiousness.

-Bryan's P.O.V-
I was able to get another cab to Y/N's home. The taxi driver pulled up in the front of the house. 'Her car is here!' I thought gladly to myself and I quickly paid the driver and ran to the door. I opened it and yelled "Y/N!"

No answer

'Where could she be?' I questioned as I entered further into the home. Her purse was on the counter and I walked to the living room... Thats when I saw it. The blood. The knife. Some kind spray that makes you unconsious... I whipped out my phone and dialed 911.

(OH JEEZ LA WHEEEZZEEEE, Oh boy I bet all of you are asking the concerning question of... *ahem* WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. It will all be seen in the next chapter stay tuned >:) -Brin)
1071 words
((P.S. I was way too excited not to post this and since my readers are awesome sauceome I decided to give you a good chapptterrrr))

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