The Wrong Ideas

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-Your P.O.V-

'Lights, Camera, Action'
I woke up at the last word. My eyes weren't open but I was just beginning to wake up. I was warm. I was laying on something alive.

I fluttered open my eyes to see the sun beaming, as if it were trying so desprately as to reach through my closed curtains. I could smell colone. I looked up to see Bryan's relaxed, sleeping face. His arm was around me as I layed on his carefully rising, and slowly falling, chest. I smiled at his adorable face. I blush and my heart begins to pound faster as I recall the events from last night.

I looked back down to see my hand laying on his chest. I had to repay him for being so kind. I needed to at the least make him some breakfast.

As carefully and quiet as I can I sit up, I replace my body with the pillow my head was on and I place his arm around that. 'He's one hell of a deep sleeper... a cute one' I smile to myself and I quietly get out of bed.

I pass Y/F's room and I lean back to peer in. Seeing her not in there I assume she is downstairs. I quickly and quietly head downstairs. When I do I look around for Y/F in the lounge room..

No sign

Dining room?

Still no sign...

I walk into the kitchen to see a note on the counter. I walk over to it to see Y/F's handwriting and it reads 'Hey Bry!' Bry... so shes got nicknames for him now? I started to become jealous and I tried to shake it off. 'I assume you'll be up before before Y/N and so I just wanted to let you know where the food is, obvi in the pantry. Besides that I still need to talk to you. 9 tonight on the back porch? Signed Y/F~'

I laugh because I couldn't believe what I was reading? Is she actually serious?! I scoff and set it down and sigh angrily. 'Did Bryan only kiss me to make me feel better? What's his deal, am I just another rebound?'

Without thinking another moment I write on a different piece of paper. Since I was wearing my clothing from yesterday I tidied up as best as possible and I put my hair into a bun. I grabbed my glasses, my bag, and my keys and left.

-Bryan's P.O.V-

I woke up but without opening my eyes I smiled and held slightly tighter what I thought was Y/N. Come to find out it was only a pillow. I open my eyes and sigh as I sit up and rub by eyes. I feel butterflies in my stomach from memories of last night. I smile to myself and get out of bed, adjusting my twisted clothing and I head down the stairs. "Y/N?" I call out. No answer. "Y/N?!" I ask but louder.

I walk into the lounge which the stairs lead to it just to find no one. I scratch my head in confusion and I walk to the kitchen, on the counter I see two seperate notes.

I read the first one which was halfway over the second one 'Hey Bry! I assume you'll be up before Y/N and so I just anted to let you know where the food is, obvi in the pantry. Besides that I still need to talk to you. 9 tonight on the back porch? Signed Y/F~' I furrow my brows "What in the hell..." I mean I've had girls hit on me but it was cause they were fans. Not to this extent. It is hitting on right? I don't know but it kind of made me uneasy. I look at the second note 'Went to work. Have fun. Y/N' That wasn't like Y/N... She might have seen the 1st note... Oh dear god I hope she didn't... I don't even like her friend like that. I better talk to her.

I ran up the stairs to go grab my phone so I can call Y/N. When I reach her room I see my phone. But beside it is Y/N's phone.. I silently curse myself and I grab both phones. Just in that moment I get a call and you'd never guess who it is...

-Your Friend's P.O.V-

I headed down to the studio somewhat early that morning since they had texted me to come down to work on a few new lines they added.

When I get there I'm met by a spunky girl with bleached curled hair, she was quite slim too. She holds out her hand "Hey! I've seen you before. You're Y/N's friend right? You play the bartender Amy?" I shake it and smile, she was super kind "Yeah I'm Y/F, I came down to do reherse a few lines." She replies with a smile "I'm Della, you'll be practicing with me." Della lets go of my hand. Wait, wasn't that Y/N's enemy?

There's no way that's her. Maybe Della is kinder than what Y/N told me. Who knows she might have RBF (Resting Bitch Face). I follow Della to where she said we were going to practice at.

After what felt like forever to practice, which had only been 20 minutes, Della perks up "You know Bryan Dechart is starring in this movie right?" She gleams and I reply "I know I'm so excited! He's so hot."

I giggle like a school girl. Della looks around and a mischievous smile spreads across her face. "I've seen the way he looks at you. Kinda looks like he has the hots for you too Y/F" Della somewhat whispers. My stomach does a flip and I can tell I am visibly blushing.

"No I think he's into Y/N..." I say looking down my happy feeling fading along. Della shakes her head "No way! Y/N is totally into Jesse. Have you seen how much time they spend together practicing lines? You didn't hear from me but I heard Bryan asking something about you to Y/N." I instantly brightened up at the last part.

"You know so?" I ask and Della nods her head vigirously, her bleached curls bouncing along. "You should ask him for lunch or something!" Della exclaims and my confidence builds. "Yeah your right." Della tells me she'll tell the producer it was an urgent call I was taking. Della snuck me Bryan's phone number and I stepped outside to dial his number."

-Your P.O.V-

I drove down to the studio, and as I was doing so I was trying to calm down by listening to some music. Just as I was about to enter the parking lot I saw Y/F standing there turned around on the phone.

Anger boiled my blood all over again and I decided to park on the side of the building today. I tried to get out of my car as quietly as possible and I walked in a side door.

I saw Della sitting in a cast chair ordering around the makeup artists "No! Thats a terrible shade of lipstick! Fetch me something else. Stewart! Bring me my favorite coffee!" Della continued to yell at them until she saw me

"Hey! What are you doing here?! Weren't you like just dying in a hospital or something?" Della rolls her eyes and I reply with a snarky tone "I decided to live thank you." I pass by her and knock on John's office, he tells me to enter and I do shutting the door behind myself.

I talked to John asking him if I could do anything for that day to make up a lost day from when I was in the wreck. John brings me to the stage where they have the living room set up. John told me I'd have to do a few scenes with Della. Della seemed like a whole different person when she was on set and when the directors and producers were around.

Della basically was kissing all of there asses and I had enough of it after two hours so I asked if I could go grab lunch. John let me go. I was starving since I didn't have breakfast this morning so I planned on just going to the nearest resturant which was across the street. I left the gates where the security gaurd waved me off. Then thats where my heart broke to pieces. I saw Bryan and Y/F leaving. Y/F stroked his arm and then his torso. Y/F leaned in and kissed Bryan.

Tears welled up in my eyes and in no time they were streaming down my face. I entered back into the gates to my car. I got in and turned it on and I drove home angrily and upset all the way home.

(Awh mannnn what a chapter. I hope it didn't seem like a filler but I know for a fact you'll like the next one! Stay tuned and maybe I'll post it later tonight ;) -Brin)
1545 words

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