I found love

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Are you happy Mr. Izuku?"

"I'm not"

"Have you ever thought of suicide?"

"I have"

"Mr. Izuku are you going to kill yourself?"

"I am"

"Well Mr. Izuku, it is time to wake up"

"I don't want to"

"Just wake up Izuku!"

A loud noise of crushing glass echoed in Izuku's mind. Noisy, loud. Moreover, the reality he was just witnessing disappeared as quickly as it came. His world was crumbling to ashes.

He needed to wake up, he did not want to though.

Nevertheless, a voice inside him was urging him to open his eyes.

Therefore, he did.

Izuku found himself laying on his bed and a figure was approaching him: he did not recognize him right away but he then realized it was Shoto.

"Izuku!" he surged forward

"You are finally awake"

In addition, Izuku could see the stains on his cheeks and his puffy eyes.

"You cried" he stated matter of factly tentatively reaching his cheek with his fingers.

Shoto cupped his hand and brought it to his face kissing his palm.

"I did" He answered

"Was it my fault?" Izuku answered with a sort of desperation longing into the question.

He noted how Shoto was not answering.

"Of course it was my fault, I'm such a burden," He said looking down, trying to free his hand from Shoto's grip.

"It was not your fault, it was mine. I did not notice how you were suffering, how much burden you had on your shoulders. I thought I was getting better, I thought that you must have been getting better too. I was so selfish Izuku, will you forgive me?"

Izuku was bewildered and smiled bitterly.

"Look at me; you are becoming a better psychologist than me"

Shoto denied.

"I need you Izuku as much as you need me, I just want you to be happy and when you said you wanted to die... my heart shattered. However, from now on we will get better. I swear."

No Man's Land [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now