The Holy Knight's Sword

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As you all arrive in a smile town, Hawk's mother burrows into the ground. Leaving only the tavern visible for people. Meliodas was currently going on about the town's alcohol and how it's the best around. As you were all walking into town, there was a huge commotion. Meliodas then asked someone what was going on.

"A Holy Knight stuck his sword in the ground saying that our alcohol is horrible! It dried up all of the wells."

You then see some kid and he starts talking about the sins. "If my friends, the seven deadly sins were here. That sword would be pulled out of the ground. But if the eighth sins was here, he'd save us all!"

"Mead! Be quite, you're the reason we're even in this mess!" The boy named Mead then runs off, and Meliodas leads him to the tavern.

As you make some food for him, you listen to what they're talking about. "So, are the seven deadly sins really your friends?"

"W-well not really, but I don't think they're bad!"

Meliodas only smiles and then asks, "And what do you know of the eighth sin?"

Mead gets up and starts talking, "Well, the eighth sin is technically a myth. but I believe in him. Someone so powerful, he could take on the captain and have a chance at winning!"

Meliodas then says it's time to go after Mead gets something to eat. As you all walk back down to the town, Mead inspires the villagers to try to pull out the sword. They didn't have a chance as a few drunk holy knights just laughed. Meliodas then looks at you, "You gonna do it, or should I?" You just continue walking and take the mugs from the holy knights and toss it to Meliodas.

"If you can't appreciate good quality booze, there's no need for you to drink it." Meliodas says this before drinking it. You walk straight up to the sword, put a hand on the handle, and say, "Since that little guy can't afford that drink at the moment, how about this?" You then pull the sword right out of the ground. The two Holy Knights look at you in shock.

"I believe this is yours." You say this and throw the sword down at their feet. They then run off. People then start applauding and cheering, asking how you managed to pull the sword out. "I guess it was just luck."

__Time Skip *Gilthunder's POV__

"Sir Holy Knight Gilthunder!" One of my knights came rushing in and told me about what happened at the village.

"Hmmm, may I borrow your spear for a moment?" I then charged the spear with my lightning and threw it as hard as I could. I then decided on throwing something else, I pulled out a dagger, charged it up, and threw it a few seconds after the spear.

__Back to Party *Your POV*__

Currently everyone was celebrating in the tavern, and Meliodas and Elizabeth were outside when you get a decent amount of magical power emerging from the north. You quickly walked outside, only to see Meliodas walking around, as Elizabeth was talking to him. "I'm absolutely worthless. Who could I help?"

"Hmmm, this should be good. Or maybe a little to the left? (Y/N) stay right there, you catch that one." You simply just nodded as you got ready for what was coming. "Sir Meliodas? What's going on?"

Just then a bolt of lightning hit Meliodas, and he went flying. you then saw another bolt coming straight at you, and you stepped to the left and caught it with your right hand. You went back a few feet, but managed to stay standing upright, this obviously didn't have as much power as the one thrown at Meliodas. You saw it was a dagger. You just smiled, and whispered, "Twilight." The dagger glowed with a dark, grueling color. You tossed it in the air, caught it, and threw it back to where it came from. As you threw it, you noticed that Meliodas had thrown a spear back at the same time.

__*Gilthunder's POV*__

I was sitting on my thrown, as I sensed some power coming towards me. "Sir Holy Knight Gilthunder, there's an immense amount of magical power coming towards us!" I just sat there, as the spear hit right beside my chair, I felt something graze my shoulder. I looked at it to see the dagger I threw there. Just like that, the tower started to fall.

"So you are alive, Meliodas. Looks like there really is an eighth sin too." I just smiled, waiting for a challenge.

__*Your POV*__

As you see Meliodas coming back, you all head inside. As everyone leaves the tavern, you look at Meliodas. "So where to next?" "Well (Y/N), I believe our next stop is the Forest of White Dreams. Apparently nobody, not even holy knights will go in there. So maybe, just maybe there's another one of the sins there."

"S-sir (Y-Y/N)?" You turn to see Elizabeth, "Yes?" "What was that power you put into that knife when you threw it back?" "Ohhhh, just a little magic called Twilight. It's a power of darkness, but it just let's me control the weapon. For a time, I am able to tell it where to go, and it's exact location where it should land."

"O-oh. Sounds scary." "Depends on the weapon." You said this as you shrugged. Hawk then came up to you as you started eating some soup, "I don't believe that move does something like that." You looked at the hog, "Okay, try this." You hold up your spoon. "If you can outrun this, you win Hawk. Twilight." The spoon grew a black tint, and went straight at Hawk. Before Hawk could move, it lightly hit his snout.

"Looks like I win." "My my (Y/N), just a move you learned?" You looked at Meliodas. "Yep, it's fun to use." "Well, I can see why. Time for some shut eye."

With that, everyone went to bed. Except for you. You went outside, and looked up. I haven't tried this in a while. Let's see if it still likes me." You then closed your eyes, put out your hand, and said one word.

"Setsu." Immediately to your command, your sword appeared in your hand.

"  Immediately to your command, your sword appeared in your hand

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You smiled and looked up at the sky. "Let's try this. You pointed your sword to the sky and said, "Explosion." All of a sudden, a huge explosion happened over you. The smoke ended up forming a wolf. "Well, looks like it still works. Setsu, return. Your sword then returned to where it had came from. You always returned it to a hidden underground cave. You walked inside, and decided it was finally time to fall asleep.

A/N- Hey guys! Hope you liked this!! Please comment on things you wish for me to add to your character. You also learned a small amount of you power!!! Also, your part demon will be let out next chapter!

~Justin :P Out.

The Eighth Sin; The Wolf Sin of Loyalty . (Jericho X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now