Helbram vs. Aku

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__3rd POV__
As Aku slowly looked up at the sun, he then looked at Helbram and smiled, "You see, the sun doesn't completely stop me from coming forth, it just drastically changes my power levels."
Helbram thought for a minute, "this means I have a chance!" While Helbram was in his deep thoughts, he was suddenly punched. Aku had hit him with an uppercut that sent him flying into the air. Somehow, the wolf just seemed to materialize right above Helbram, as he was a good hundred yards in the air. Helbram tried to punch at Aku, but missed wildly and was then karate chopped to the ground.
"Holy knights, give me your power!" Just like that, Helbram was back up, and flew right towards Aku.  He then pulled out a long green sword. As he went to slice down at Aku, it was blocked by something. That something was another sword.  Aku then kicked Helbram, making him stumble back.  "Now, allow me to introduce you to this sword. Setsu." He then ran and kicked Helbram's feet out from under him. As he did this, Helbram flew backwards just quick enough to miss a swipe from Aku. 
"You humans just need to learn when to stay down."
At this point, Aku had the sword out in from of him as his demon horns radiated a dark aura. Then, the sword was covered in the same aura, as Aku just smiled.
(QUCK A/N- Your sword will have three configurations, 1. the sword, 2. a spear, and 3. a dagger. If you have any other ideas, let me know. The sword is Setsu as that is the base configuration, the spear is Purgatory's Spear, and the dagger is Heaven's Claw)
"Let's end this, Setsu, second configuration, Purgatory's Spear."  As the weapon changed, Helbram began flying away.
"Twilight."  The spear flew, straight through Helbram's stomach. "Purgatory's Flames."
Helbram was immediately covered in dark purple flames, but then Aku fell, as he reverted back to (Y/N). The daylight had finally gotten to him.  Helbram was able to pull the spear out, and threw it to the ground as he free fell towards a lake.
__Time Skip, your POV__
As you were finally getting up, you saw a spear next to you. "Purgatory's Spear huh. Nice going Aku." As you willed the spear back into Setsu, "Setsu return. You then passed out as you saw King flying toward you.

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